Chapter 5

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Uriah and I walk out of our apartment and into the cafeteria. Uri and I both go for the Dauntless cake. We end up having 5 slices each.

I say goodbye to Uriah and walk to the training room, where Four and the new initiates are waiting. I walk over and say,"Welcome Initiates. I am Six and this is Four," I say gesturing to Four.

I walk over to Four and asks him,"Should I see if we can all play Candor or Dauntless when the initiates are done training?" He nods sadly. Obviously realising Uri and I are together.

I walk out of the building, hearing Four explain why I am leaving. I skid down the corner and I see Peter out of the corner of my eye. I spit,"Hey," to Peter. He walks closer to be and I hear metal banging. I then realise - everything goes black.

Four's POV

I slide down the corner. Tris should have gotten back by now. Even though she hates me, that doesn't mean I can't get worried about her.

I turn the corner and see Uriah. I would prefer someone else but he probably knows where she is.

I stop him and he stares at me blankly. No emotion. I ask him if he knows where she is and he shakes his head.

I then say,"Hey, dude. I know you hate me, but I can't find Tris. She disappeared a while ago. Have you seen her, lately?"

"No I've seen her since breakfast. We have to find her. Call everyone and get them here!" Just as Uriah finishes saying that his phone starts to buzz. He grabs his phone from his pocket and we see it is a video chat request. From Peter. (A/N Yes, they have phones. Just for the sake of the story.)

It accepts it and we see Tris pop up on the screen. With Peter. And... Al? I thought he died!

Peter pulls the phone in front of him and says,"Hi! Well, we have Tris and you aren't getting her back unless you find her!" He says in a very cheerful voice. (A/N I know I said 'say' twice...)

He then ends the call and Four and I stand there motionless. We finally start moving and split up to find everyone, so we can save Tris.

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