Chapter 11

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I cling on to Uriah's arm as we walk though the Dauntless hallways.

We get back to the apartment and I kiss Uriah as we walk though the door. The room feels unnaturally warm. I know Uriah feels it, because he tenses.

I see something dart across the room.

Uriah and I lean against the walls as we enter our room. He comes up to me and starts kissing me. He turns around and starts a fight with Uriah. I try to attack for but my body is frozen.

He defeats Uriah and my body starts to kick into action. I see Uriah on the floor out cold. I start moving but it is not fast enough as soon after Four comes and grabs my arm and drags me out of the room.

Four puts his hand over my mouth as I start screaming. That is the last thing I remember before blacking out.

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