Chapter 19

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I open my eyes to see sun shining through the windows of Christina's hospital room. I sit up on the seat and look over to Christina. Her eyes are glassy and her skin is pale.

I reach over to her hand and tell her,"Chris... I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you. And I'm sorry... About Will."

I burst in to tears, just as Christina does. Uriah bursts through the door.

"Are you going to come and play Candor or Dauntless with the initiates?" Uriah asks softly. I shake my head and continue crying. I tell Christina I will go and get us some clothes.

I slowly open the door and peek out. I walk to my apartment and grab some clothes. I pass a few initiates on the way and Four. I instantly back into the corner and sprint in the other direction. I go to Christina apartment, using an alternative path.

I look around and see Will's things everywhere. The tears come back, as I rummage around and look for Christina's clothes. I start to walk out, but my curiosity gets the better of me, when I see a note on the bench.

Chris... I love you and everything will be ok :)

I grab the note and push it into my pocket. I hear the raindrops pattering on the windows. I turn around and look outside. Sun shower.

I quickly leave before I start tearing up again, and I join Christina in her room.

I shake my head slowly as the tears start pouring out. "I found something in your apartment... You might want to read it later... Not now," is all I manage to say.

I swivel the chair around, as Christina falls asleep. I walk over the receptionist and ask about Will. If I can see him. I choke down tears as I ask.

She agrees and I walk Will's room. I enter and feel his presence immediately. Even if he is dead. I slide towards him and look at his face. His skin is pale and he looks strained.

Something must of happened. He didn't just die...

I hold his hand and the memories and tears come rushing back. I cry more as I remember last night's dream. I shiver thinking about it. I slump into the seat and drift of into a restless sleep.

I look Tobias full in the eye before he asks for my aptitude test result.

"Tobias, I'm divergent," I say with my voice starting loudly, but then ending up in nothing but a whisper, while smiling.

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