Chapter 20 (Special 5k chapter!)

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I am shaken awake by a nurse. I open my eyes slightly, as they adjust to the dim scenery. Christina sits next to me. I fully open my eyes and reach into my pocket. I instantly feel warmth and realize that I am freezing. I grab the note and slowly hand it to her. I look at her with pity.

Will knew what was going on. He knew that he was going to die. That's not the kind of thing someone would normally write. She grips the note and open it. Her eyes scan the piece of lifeless paper. She brushes a tear away from her face and launches herself at me and we hug.

I say in a hushed tone,"Christina we should go. Neither of us have been to work for a while and we need to get out of here. It's getting to be really depressing..."

She mumbles something and nods her head. I push myself up from off the chair and stretch a bit. The energy in me is back and I help Christina up from her chair. She says a goodbye to Will and we leave. I notice she is wearing the clothes I gave her yesterday and we head off towards my apartment.

I give Christina a few of my clothes I found in the mess. They surprisingly fit and then I get dressed into a comfortable clothes for training our energy back. I grab her arm and lead her outside and we start with some running around. Then we start to climb up the stairs to the top of Dauntless.

We get up the last few agonising stairs and reach the roof. We open the door and I immediately feel the cold air rush around me. The breeze is cool and relaxing. The view is exhilarating and I see Christina relax. She has always loved heights.

We sit on the bench; the breeze cooling us. I murmur,"Can you hear it? Can you see it? Him?"

The wind carries Will's voice and we can see him riding along the wind. I hear Christina sigh. And it isn't a sad sigh; It's a relieving one, where you get over things. Looking into the wind you can see him and hear everything. You hear his voice and everything about him.

You can hear his grunts, his pain, his laughter, his joy, his voice. Everything.

It feels good to get it off my chest, and I sigh too. After realizing I had stood up on the bench, I sit down with Christina. We laugh together and the moment is perfect. We hug and nothing in the world could ruin this moment.

Slowly releasing each other; we start to walk back down to Dauntless. Will's death isn't as painful now, but I wonder what happened. He must have known and we will figure out why.

We end up going shopping and Christina's mood slightly lightens. She seems much happier than better. We exit the last shop and Christina smiles. She pulls me into a tight hug and whispers,"Thanks you..."

I nod my head and we leave. As we walk she murmurs something inaudible and then says,"I really 'im him, Tris. What are we gonna now?" she questions me.

I say confidently,"We are to save someone from getting killed by Four." I nod my head and we walk off to the the initiates' room.

I barge into the initiates' room and instantly see light brown hair tangled up. She is kissing someone pushing him up against the wall. I think it's Blaze...? I can't tell, but I run up to her and shove her next to him on the wall.

"Emily," I say sternly. She makes a disgusted noise and nods her head. I continue,"Don't trust Four. He's a jerk who whipped Christina here," I say motioning to Christina.

"Sure he did. Just get away from me. You are making me feel sick," she says challenging me. I accept and punch her in the stomach and Christina and I walk away from her dramatically, with perfect posture.


Ok guys this is the end of my 5k read special chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day. Once again, thank you for 5k reads! Ok.

Bye readers.
(Not Pansycakes!)


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