Chapter 21

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We exit Emily's hearing range and just crack up laughing as we walk away. The laughter echoes through Dauntless as we approach the Pit. The look at each other and say goodbye; going out separate ways.

I decide to go outside to get some fresh air. I end up running around the compound pointlessly after that for about an hour. I eventually go home and see a food item on the table. Can you guess what it is?

Vanilla cake.

Not of course not! It's DAUNTLESS CAKE! I jump over somethings on the ground and run over to it. I look around and see a note on the table.

Here is some Dauntless Cake for you! Eat fast! xxxx

I basically stuff it down my throat and I turn around. Man, this place is messy. Uriah probably threw a few parties! I grab clothes off of the floor and place then on the bed in a pile. I get the clothes washed and wipe the sweat off my head. For the rest of my day I clean anything and everything I can find.

Uri gets home a few hours later and... Let's just say things got interesting...


Ok everyone this is very important and sorry for the short chapter, but. I really need to hear from you guys. I'm thinking of finishing this book soon and doing a sequel. I am also currently doing a new version of this that won't have a million author notes everywhere. So yeah... I just need to know what you guys think...


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