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     Afternoon rolled around on my first whole day of living with EXO. I'm working in the kitchen, cleaning like the only girl in the house should be doing. Lay still isn't home. Chanyeol is up in his room, rehearsing his music. Tao is still fast asleep, snoring softly. And the other two boys-- Baekhyun and Sehun-- are playing video games. Yelling at eachother in attempt to make eachother lose. Almost every five seconds I have to poke my head into the living room to scold them for yelling to loud, afraid that they might wake adorable little Tao from his cat nap. As I wipe down the kitchen island I notice that the volume from the tv has stopped and the yelling has come to a halt. They must be on a water and bathroom break. While they're gone, I peep into the quiet living room. A chill has broken through the house and is snaking it's way here. I grab a neatly folded blanket from the other couch, spread it and lay it over Tao. I smile at his closed eyes and childish mind. I turn around and see Sehun and Baekhyun starring at me. Does everybody like sneaking up on me like that? It's weird. Baek's head is tilted in curiosity.

     "How come you rough house and mess around with us... but you're so gently and sweet to Tao..?" Baek's voice is soft. I look at them, then at sleeping Tao. I huff air out of my nose and sit down on the couch. Baek walks over to me and sits next to me. Lying his arm around my shoulders and pulling me to him. "You think he wants to know you as much as WE know you...?" Baek tilts his head. "Is that it...?" I nod.

     "This morning..." I smile." He came into my room and woke me up with the first two words in growl. 'Yo~ okay.'"I say, repeating the words. I look up at Sehun. He's tapping the outside of his water bottle and looking down at the water.

     "Wh-..... where's Lay?" Baek realizes that he's gone, so he asks. Baek pushes up his glasses and looks at the both of us.

     "Shit... I thought he'd be back by now. I forgot that he left." I say biting my lip, which is one of my two habits. The other is tapping my leg. "He left this morning and I told him it was cold outside. I asked where he was going but he didn't answer." Sehun places his hand gently on my shoulder.

     "Don't worry, Iko. He'd never leave you behind with all of us." He smiles and chuckles. I nod and smile back, hoping he's right. He lets go and sits on the couch with Baek. I head to the kitchen to keep myself busy with dishes and cleaning. I expect the video game's sound fx to burst on but it doesn't. I hear faint whispering from the living room but can't seem to make it out. Then it stops. The sounds of whatever videogame they're playing spills its way out and spreading to the kitchen. The yelling is on cue. I decide not to scold them because Tao should wake up soon anyway. He must've been tired from waking up to wake ME up. I smile at the thought. I open the fridge and grab strawberries and grapes then rinse them under cold water and place them on the table for the boys to eat.

     "Thanks!" Baek calls out and yells over the sound effects, Sehun's yelling and Chan's music. I nod and smile at him then go back to the kitchen to clean. I pump a lemon scented soap onto the sponge and turn on the faucet, then begin scrubbing down the plates. What if Sehun's wrong? I hope Lay comes home soon. I don't want him to catch a cold.... what does Sehun mean by thinking? Thinking about who? Me...?? Pfftt. No way. I still love Lay. I mean, not like that. Like in a close way. I really really want him to come home. I rinse all the soap lathered plates and dry them with a new clean towel. Then begin washing the cups. What if he's stuck somewhere? What if he DOESN'T come back? What if he doesn't--

     "Need help with that?" I turn around and see Chanyeol, leaning on the wall. I look down at the dishes then back up at him.

     "Um... n-no thanks. I think I got it." I answer reluctantly and go back to washing the cups. Chan scoots around the kitchen island to my side. He curls his fingers on the faucet handle and makes the water warmer.

     "There. It's better to use warmer water so that your fingers don't get cold and prune up." Chan looks down on me and gives me a sweet smile.

     "Thanks..." I say softly, scrubbing the inside of a pretty, patterned glass cup.

     "Are you okay, Iko?" He asks gently placing his warm hand on the top of my head. I nod slowly, hoping he'd think it's... I'm okay. His hand slides down to the tips of my strands of black and red hair. "You sure...?"

     "Yea... of- of course. I'm just thinking." I answer, avoiding his insistent gaze. He nods and his hand drops to his side. Then disappears into the living room. Just thinking....

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