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     After doing what I thought were endless stacks of dishes, I go into the living room to find that Tao is awake and wearing his panda hat, the plate of fruits has very few strawberries and grapes left and the boys are finished playing video games. I smile at Tao and he smiles back at me, waving at me for me to come sit by him. So I listen and go place myself next to him. Baekhyun looks at me tilting his head and pulls back one corner of his lips.

     "What are you starring at, Baekhyun-oppa?" I ask tilting my head so it matches the angle of his. He laughs and Sehun joins him.

     "Geez. You're so cute!" Sehun blurts, smacking the arm of the couch like he can't take it. I smile and giggle. My face heating up at the sudden break of his words. Baek nudges him and Sehun hits his shoulder. I look at Tao, he seems oddly quiet.

     "Sehun-hyung!!!!" Tao shouts. There we go!

     "Eh?" Sehun looks at him, raising his eyebrows a bit.

     "Come bathe with me." Tao demands oddly. Baekhyun almost spits holding back a laugh at the sudden questionable demand. I look at Tao, trying to read his childish mind.

     "Aniyo! Not now, Tao. Weirdo." Sehun answers in a pouting manner. Sehun's cheeks are a bit pinkish. Is.. Is Sehun blushing??? Baekhyun tries to connect my line of vision, then seems to connect it to Sehun's face. He climbs in front of Sehun so that it looks as if he's simply seating on Sehun's lap. He tilts his head and looks closer, Sehun pulls his head away so the distance isn't so close. "Baekhyun... please scoot--"

     "Sehun!! You're blushing!" Baekhyun cheer, literally shouting in Sehun's pinkish and startled face. I laugh and open my mouth to say something but my phone buzzes in my pocket. When I reach and slip it out.. I catch sight of the ID. It's Dad.. my expression saddens, the guys seem to notice. "Is everything alright, Iko?"

     "I-... I'll be right back. I gotta take this." I answer the call and hurriedly jump up the steps, into my room and slam the door. A bit harder than I had intended it to be. I didn't want them to think that I'm angry.


     I sniff and wipe incoming tears from my eyes with my shirt sleeve.

     "Until things clear up.. I don't think I'll be home soon.." I say softly. The tears won't quit.

     "I'm not letting you live with a bunch of reckless, filthy boys! You put shame on all of us!" He yells through the phone. Again, huh? Pinning the blame on me so I would realize what "I've" done wrong, apologize and go home?!

     "They! Are not! Filthy! Or reckless!" I shout at him. "I'd rather die than go home to live with you! I am 19! I can make my own choices now! And my choice is that I WILL NOT BE HURT BY YOU ANYMORE!!" I scream, hot tears creating a river on my red cheeks.

     "You frustrate me enough you know that! I tried to get you here by speaking calmly and easy to you! I will drag you home if I have to! Lay is nowhere near trustworthy to have you live at their fu***** household! Damn him for taking my precious daughter away!" My father shouts, insulting my friends.

     "Precious daughter?!  Really?! Is that why you always hit me?! Is... is that why you bossed me around all the time? So you can put a label on me and call me precious?! Aniyo! Aniyo!! I don't care if you think he isn't trustworthy!" I yelp. "Cuz you know what dad?! He deserves me more than you ever will!!" I finish, hang up and throw my phone on the floor. I sniff, curling up on my bed. Great... Lay isn't home, I don't know where the hell he is.. and my dad is trying to pin a shit load of blame on me. I lie down in misery, wishing that he'd just leave me alone and go away. I am only surviving in this world! I want to live without him breathing down my neck every. Second. Of. MY. Life. I scream in pain and frustration. Throwing a pillow at the wall across from me. A light knock sounds at my door.

     "I... Iko...?" A gently voice reaches for me. It's Baekhyun. "Can I come in..?" I don't reply, it grew silent in my room. You could hear nothing except the light and gently taps of my tears on my knees. The door creeks open by a minor crack. Through the tiny slit I can see Baek's sweet harmless eyes. The door opens big enough for him to fit through. He comes in and closes the door, sitting next to me and hugging me. Rocking me in his arms like a child. He runs his hand through my hair, and gently nudges my head so it rests on his shoulder. "Are you okay...?" He asks softly. I shake my head, my hair ruffling on his shoulder. "I'm so so sorry about you and your dad.. I know it's not really any of my business in knowing.. but I'm here if you want to talk. We're all here if you want or need to talk, okay?" I nod and look up at him. He gently wipes my tears away with his thumb. I sniff once more then bury my face in his neck. He hugs me tight, still moving side to side.

     "Don't let him drag me away from you guys..." I sob, my voice cracking in the middle of the sentence. I hiccup. "I want to stay here. I need to stay here with you guys... I can't go home.." Baek rubs the back of my head. I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. He pulls away and looks me in the eye.

     "I won't ever let him drag you away." Baekhyun sweetly reassures me. "Okay?" I nod and he takes my hand, smiling at me to see if i smile back. I give him the best smile I can, but it's out of sadness and frustration on what to do. He holds my stare then slowly leans his head forward, but just before our lips touch the door bursts open and my eyes go wide with relief of who's standing there.

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