2nd Day

22 1 0

Iko's P.O.V

I went down to the kitchen. It was almost 12. Everyone was downstairs. Laughing and messing around on the couches. I thought about yesterday. How someone wrote me that song. How much Baekhyun loved me. How much everyone tried to show me how much they'd miss me. They all look up to me and smile. Lay's smile brightened the room. All of their smiles did.

"Sleep well?" Chanyeol asks kindly. I smile.

"Yea. Thanks." I answer kindly and head down the stairs. Squeezing in between Baekhyun and Chanyeol. I want to fall asleep on their shoulders, but it's already 12 and I shouldn't be sleeping until this time. "Is anyone else hungry...?" I ask, pursing my lips and looking around at them. Right when I look at Tao he immediately jumps up. Everyone starts laughing as he sits down slowly in embarrassment. "Alright then. We'll go out for lunch then. I'll pay! My treat." An uh-uh-uh comes from Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They shake their heads.

"No, no. Girls don't do that for guys. Guys do that for girls." Sehun explains the other boys look at him and they smirk. They start to clap. Applauding him for knowing this much even though he is the youngest boy in the group. "So, it will be OUR treat for you." Sehun smiles as the Channie and Baekhyun stop clapping and start listening again. Baekhyun sits up and looks at me.

"Yea! We can do that." Baekhyun agrees and smiles sweetly at me. "Let's go right now!!" Before he can move, I grab the hood of his sweatshirt and pull him.

"Woah! Slow down! I'm barely even ready to leave the house." I point out and they look at me up and down and come to realization. I laugh climbs up my throat and escapes my mouth. I let go of Baekhyun's hood and make my way upstairs. Just to see that my phone is inflated with text messages.

Mom: Honey... Come live with us.
Mom: your father has been worried sick.
Ella: Is everything okay?
Ella: Listen
Ella: You should leave those guys behind, your parents take better care of you.
Anyah: Come on home, Iko, Those Exo guys seem unprepared for you.
Mom: Please listen to your dad
Mom: I know syour feather and I have split--

Tears well up but i try my best to fight them back. I continue reading..

Mom: I know your father and I have spliet very recently, butt he may know better then I do.
Mom: And I know why he took you instead of letting me keep you.
Mom: come home soon.

That's it. The end... Not even an I love you.


I'm dressed in gray skinny jeans and a crop top with a square pattern on it. I grab a jacket and make my way outside behind the guys. I squeeze my way between Baekhyun and Sehun, linking my thin arms in theirs. Trying my very best to keep those text messages out of my mind. Pushing it as far as it can go, it isn't very far. The guys are talking, messing around more if you please. I see that Baekhyun has his straight hat on. The one that we fought over. Our all of our steps are in sync. Our heels lightly clicking against the pavement. We walk a few blocks to a cafe. It looks cute with a tiny emoji at the top beside the name. Chanyeol grand the door handle and pulls it open, holding it for us. I mumble thank younandnhe follows us inside. They don't have their masks on and I wonder why. The waitress who's serving us sees their faces and her eyes widen and she let's out an surprised gasp, obviously after noticing me sitting between Sehun and Baekhyun with Lay, Tao and Chanyeol across from me. Sehun purses his lips and does that cute habit he does all the time. I let out a breath. Baekhyun's arm slides around my shoulder and Sehun and Channie immediately speak up.

"Aaiishh." Sehun pouts. "Hyung, do you really have to do that now??" Chanyeol sighs and looks atnLaynthen to me.

"Yea, Baek." Chanyeol agrees with the youngest boy. "Don't try to be sly." Chanyeol adds. The waitress still in shock watches us. I look up at her and smile.

"Th-... They-... That's-.." She tries to say but her face turns extremely red from the amount of EXO boys in her workplace.

"Yea.. I know. Overwhelming isn't it? Please excuse them." I laugh and snap my fingers and nudge Baekhyun to direct his and the others' attention to her. She's terribly flustered and overwhelmed. I laugh and notice someone staring at me from behind the waitress. I tilt my head slightly side ways. The smile slips from my face and I get up and head to the restroom. Feeling the guys' eyes on me. I look in the mirror and take a deep breath, knowing that my dad is in the same cafe as us and he just saw me and I just left them. I can myself off and push for out of the restroom, heading back to the table. All of them looking at me. I shoo the waitress of politely and sit down.

"What's wrong..?" Baekhyun whispers in my ear. I look at him and nod towards my dad. He places his hand on my back and rubs it gently for comfort.

"Can we go..?" I ask, looking at all of them.

"But, we just got her and I kinda wanna eat." Tao says innocently. I sigh and nod as in "go ahead". He smiles. I see my dad get up through the corner of my eye. But instead of coming here to confront us, he leaves us. I watch him head out the door. Before I know it, I'm the one getting up and going after him.

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