Chapter Three: Part Two

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After school, I hopped on the bus without a care in the world as to where Mina was. She was probably lost, wandering through the school, trying to find me or something. I really didn't care. Right before the bus door shut, an angry Mina walked up the steps and entered the bus. I snickered to myself quietly as I saw how heated she was.

"Why didn't you meet me at my locker like we agreed?" She asked as she checked to see if her 'friends' were on the bus.


"Oops? What the fuck, Eliza? I could've gotten left."


She sighed loudly as she sat back. I tried to keep from laughing as I noticed how irritated she was. Once we got off the bus, I decided to take a different route home. I normally circle around, but I decided to go back the way I come to the bus stop. As we were about to walk by Kendrick's house, a couple cars pulled in to the driveway. Kendrick hopped out and the trunks pumped open.

Kendrick happened to look up and see Mina and I as he began grabbing grocery bags from the trunk. "Hey," he started.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm having a little get together tonight around.. nine. You should come through. And bring ya friend...uhh" He drifted off, forgetting Mina's name.

"Mina." I finished his sentence.

"Mina," he repeated with a smile.

"I'll probably come through."

"Cool, see you then." He carried the groceries to the house with a few other guys following behind him.


"Are we really going to that party?" Mina asked, taking a seat on my bottom bunk.

"I'm going. I don't know about you." I placed my pre-calc notebook in my backpack and zipped it up.

"You're going to sneak to the party?"

"I told Ms. Frankie that I have a photography assignment." I looked at her with a smirk on my face.

"Well, if I can't go, then I'll tell Ms. Frankie that you're going to a party."


I sighed before deciding she could come. She smiled and sashayed to the bathroom. Once we were dressed, I explained to Ms. Frankie that Mina would come with me to my assignment. She was okay with that and told us to be home by midnight.


We had made it to Kendrick's house and there was loud music blaring from the inside. That's when the butterflies began fluttering in my stomach. I knew that everyone who was a someone was going to be here. We walked in and there were people everywhere, dancing, drinking, talking, smoking. I didn't know where to walk.

"This way." Mina grabbed my wrist and led me to the other side of what I assume is the living area. Because she was tall, she could see over most people. If she don't play basketball for the school, I will make it my personal business to slap some sense into her, she so dang tall. Anyway, she could see where the kitchen was, so we headed that way. We cut through many people and it made me so nervous, I had to fight off the urge to hide under my jacket.

Once we made it through the crowd, we entered the kitchen, and I caught a better view of what was going on around me. There was a dj on the right side of the living room and on the other side was the stairs. There was a small hallway with a couple rooms and a bathroom on the first floor. On the second floor there were two rooms and a bathroom between. I decided to get a drink and saw Kendrick at the punch bowl.

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