Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up, put a hoodie and slides on and walked across the street. Soul was sitting on his porch like normal Saturday mornings, so I sat next to him.

"Kendrick told us what really happened."

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to even hear his name. "It's too early for this, Soul."

"Hear me out, though. That picture of him and Ray was taken Sunday night when Kendrick went to perform. Ray happened to be there, and she drugged him up."

"Are you serious?" I sighed. "Why is she so against me?"

Soul shook his head. "I don't know, E. But you should talk to K Dot."

"Okay, are you going to the studio later?"

"Nah, I'm chilling today."

"Okay. I'll see you later then." I stood up and headed back home. I immediately dialed Kendrick's number. I was really hoping he'd amswer, seeing as he called me about 20 times since Monday night. The phone rang once and he picked up.


"Hey, Kendrick. I was calling to say sorry for storming off like that the other night."

"No, it's fine. You had every right to."

"Soul told me what really happened. It really sucks that Ray would do something like that."

"She's crazy, forreal. I really need to talk to you about something, though. You goin in to work today?"

"Yes. I heard it won't be as busy as normal, so you can come in whenever."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"Alright. Bye, Kendrick."

"Bye, Eliza."

I hopped in the shower and changed into some clothes for work. Sam came to pick me up and we headed to work.

The day was slow. Mr. Louissaint came back, though. He was on a business trip in Japan, taking pictures for a magazine company there.

"You should never miss out on an opportunity to travel with your talents," he told me. "Sam told me about New York. You should go for it!"

"I don't know, Mr. Louissaint. It's a lot going on that I can't just drop, but I've been thinking about it."

"Well, I wish you the best, Miss Eliza."

"E, Kendrick is here to see you," Sam said as she walked in the door. "He's down in the lobby."

I grabbed my phone and headed down the stairs. I stopped by the donut room first, then continued on to the lobby. I was greeted by Kendrick with a hug and quick kiss on the cheek. I missed his embrace so much, I didn't want him to let go. I had the brightest smile ever when I saw him, however, he didn't seem so excited.

"Donut?" I asked, handing him one of the two glazed donuts I grabbed.

"Yeah, thanks." He smiled and grabbed one.

"So, what's up?"

"I need to talk about some things with you," He explained. He held my hand and led me outside. We sat on a bench next to the door and talked.

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