Chapter Nine

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"C'mon, E. Gotta get up," Kendrick gently rubbed on my arm. He was half sleep as my phone alarm went off. I was still laying on him, not wanting to move away. "E. You gotta go to school," he said in his sleepy voice. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Okay." I rolled over. He got up and made his way to the bathroom. I eventually got up and went downstairs.

"I got fruity pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles. Which one?"

"Lactose intolerant," I answered.

He pulled out a carton of almond milk from the fridge. "Now," he began, placing the carton on the table. "Fruity pebbles or cocoa pebbles?"


"Good choice." He poured two bowls of cereal, putting regular milk in one and almond milk in another. "I got this shit down to a science, E." He said taking in a spoonful of cereal. "I eat that one crunch, then I just let that shit sit." He pushed the bowl to the side and waited. "I like 60% of my shit soggy, and the other 40% crunchy." He mixed his cereal and began to dig in.

I giggled at him as I was already halfway done with my bowl. I hadn't eaten cereal in a long time, so I wasn't going to waste a minute with this cereal. It was heavenly.

We eventually left to my house, so I could get dressed for school and pick Cori up. I rushed up to my room, noticing Mina wasn't home still. It's too early to get to the bus stop, so she must not've come home yet. I had picked some clothes out last night for school, so I quickly changed and went to check on Cori. She was picking out clothes from her drawer. I tried to help her, but she swore she could do it on her own. She picked out a green shirt and jeans. She got dressed as I brushed my teeth and washed my face with some face wash stuff I had bought a week ago, and it was gradually clearing my acne away.

"I'm ready," Cori said.

"Come brush your teeth. When you're done go get your backpack and sit with Kendrick in the living room.

Kendrick's POV

I was sitting on the sofa as Cori turned the tv on and sat on the rug in front of me.

"Do you like cartoons, Kendrick?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the tv. She was watching some show with a little black girl who was a doctor and helped fix toys.

"Yeah." I answered. "What's this?"

"Doc McStuffins, my favorite show," she said, putting emphasis on the word 'favorite.' "What's your favorite show?"

"Power Rangers. You know what that is?" I looked at her, and she shook her head, giving me a look like I was crazy. I laughed as I explained to her what Power Rangers are. "You're too young," I said.

"No I'm not! I'm old!" She retorted, standing up in front of me.

"How old are you?"

"This many." She held out her hands, putting up six fingers.

"Dang, you are old!" I tickled her sides, making her fall to her knees. She is certainly the cutest six year old I know.

"I'm ready." Eliza appeared from the stairs.

I grabbed my keys out of my pocket, and we left.

"Perkins is further from the house, so I'm going to drop you off first, and I'll drop Cori off on my way back," I explained to Eliza.

"Okay. Thank you, Kendrick."

"No problem, E. I like your hair, by the way." She had a couple bantu knots in the front and the back was in its natural curls. I love her hair.

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