Chapter Ten

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This weekend, the home will have its annual open house thingy for the community. I never knew what to call it, but it allows people in the neighborhood to see what we do here and how Ms. Frankie works. Sometimes people donate to support Ms. Frankie and the home. Most of the time, a child or two end up getting adopted. Lately, Ms. Frankie has been in a pissy mood. She's been yelling at us a lot, and she's been drinking more. She told us that a loved one of hers passed away. She hasn't been taking it lightly.

"You guys are gonna have to take care of that open house crap this weekend!" She yelled at Mina and I. Before one of us could respond, she left the room.

"I ain't taking care of nothing. You better ask one of ya friends to help you out." She got up from the couch and rushed up the stairs.


I headed to the kitchen to see what we had to drink, but an unpleasant smell filled my nose. I sighed to myself as I looked at the garbage. After taking it out and tying it up, I put on some shoes and took the garbage out.


I dropped the full garbage bag and jumped back. "Oh my god, Soul! What the heck?!"

He had appeared from the bushes. "I saw you coming out the door and saw the opportunity. Had to take it." He picked up the garbage bag and put it in the big garbage.

"Thank you."

"No problem. What's up witcha. You look bothered."

"Ehh.." I shrugged. "We're having this annual open house type thing this weekend, and I need some help planning it. Mina was supposed to help, but she hates me." We walked closer to the front of the house.

"What do you need help with?"

"I don't even know. I guess I'll need to know what food we'll need and what activities we'll do."

"I can help ya."

"Really?" I asked. "Aren't you the same guy who said he doesn't help people?" I joked.

"You need some help, or not?"

I giggled as I rolled my eyes. "Sure, but it's not like you're the only person in the world I can ask help from." I joked. This joking around just came naturally around him. "I guess you can come in. This thing is tomorrow, I only have tonight to plan."


I opened the door, allowing him to come in. After washing our hands, we both sat on the couch in the living room, where Cori was sitting on the rug, watching tv.

"Cori, this is Soul."

Cori turned towards us and smiled. "Hi."

Soul couldn't help but smile. "Hey, pretty girl."

We sat on the couch and began to discuss our plan for this weekend.

"Burgers and hot dogs should be fine." Soul suggested. "It's simple."

I added the items to my list. "Chips or fries?"

"Chips!" Cori added her two cents. I added chips to the list.

"Now what types of activities are there gonna be?" Soul asked.

"Well... It's for the community to see who we are, so I was planning on showing my photography. Cori likes to draw, so she can show her art. Mina is an actress, so she can talk about whatever she wants if she shows up. And Tasha and Sarah like to sing and dance, so they can do that."

"It'll be a showcase," Soul said. I nodded in agreement. "So what's all on the list?"

"Cups, plates, plastic ware, burgers, buns, hot dogs, beans, condiments, drinks, chips, and I'm gonna add games. We have a wii, so I'll get like Just Dance or something."

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