Chapter Fourteen

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I sat at the table, eating on a toaster strudel as Ms. Frankie talked on the phone with someone. I think the person she was speaking to was an important person, because she spoke slowly and thought of what to say before speaking. I was shocked she was even sober this morning.

"You guys are gonna have to leave soon. Probably by November," she stated after she hung the phone up. I could see that she was really stressed out about it all. I just held in my tears. I didn't want to give up hope for us. I know there has to be something that could prevent us from having to leave the house.

I went upstairs to get dressed for work, but I had to be careful and not make too much noise. Cori didn't want to sleep in her room alone, so Mina took her room, and Cori sleeps on the bunk above me, where Mina used to sleep. I didn't want to wake Cori up, because when she sleeps is when she's most peaceful. She's been acting weird lately, throwing tantrums and crying a lot. I think it's because she wants to be adopted, but I've been trying to tell her that acting out is no way to get adopted.

"I'm outside" a text from Drew read. She agreed on picking me up for work since Kendrick was tired from his party last night and had to do another interview today, and he had to go to the studio to work on some music with Black Hippy.

Once I entered Ethereal, I quickly began work. Mr. Louissaint didn't show up again today, but that was okay.

I had continued editing the photos from yesterday when Sam walked in, out of breath.

"One of them Pro Era boys left their phones here, and Celeste isn't here to work the front desk and watch the phone." She placed an iPhone 6 on my desk and rushed back to the door. "One of them will be here to get the phone. I am so busy today. I got a lot of paperwork to fill out and fax, and Elise is running around here all over the place."

"Aww, I love Elise! Do you know where she is?" Elise would come to Ethereal every so often and help me out with my shoots.

"The donut room."

My eyebrows instantly raised up. "Donut room? Since when did we have a donut room?"

"I meant to tell you about it yesterday. It's on the third floor. As soon as you step off the elevator, it's right there. Go check it out."

"I sure will," I said with a huge grin on my face and my eyes widened.

"Cool, also I'm going to Starbucks. Text me your order."

"Okay." I said as she left out the room. I texted her my order of a tall vanilla bean frappé with banana and went to the donut room.

"Hi, Lili!" Elise called as I entered the donut room. She heard Coco call me that, so now they both call me "Lili." She was sitting at the table, next to Syd, eating a chocolate cake donut with chocolate icing on it.

"Hey, Elise! I swear your hair gets bigger every time I see you."

She smiled, chocolate icing covering her teeth.

"Hey, Syd. What's good?" I asked, making my way to the donuts.

"What's up witcha."

"Just came to get me some donuts," I stated cheerfully.

I rubbed my hands like Birdman, staring at all the delicious donuts, trying to decide which ones I wanted. It was like donut heaven. I grabbed a napkin and placed two glazed donuts and a chocolate cake donut with chocolate icing and nuts on top. Just enough get me through the day.

"Lili, can I go with you?" Elise asked before I stepped out the door.

"Sure. Let's go. I think I need a helper today."

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