Chapter Twelve (Edited)

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"Wake up, Eliza!" The sound of Mina's voice shook me out of my sleep. "You're going to be late. I already got Cori ready." She walked out after she realized I was awake. I stretched and yawned, noticing I was asleep the whole night. The last time I slept the whole night was when I slept with Kendrick. I guess because I still had his hoodie on, I felt like I was protected by him the whole night.

I finally made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I took loose the twists in my hair and wore it out. Since getting this job, I've been able to buy beneficial things such as hair products, facial cleanser, and facial lotion. I changed into a red Flash graphic tee and a pair of dark denim jeans. I decided to wear a pair of white Air Force ones. I bought them the other week, but never wore them. I feel good today, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to wear something nice.

I placed Kendrick's jacket on the chair at the desk and left out.

"You finally got rid of that ugly ass jacket," Soul said to me as we walked towards our normal lunch spot.

"Well, damn," I said. "I feel naked without it. All those girls keep looking this way." I nodded towards Mina's group of friends as they kept looking at me and laughing. I felt myself turn red.

"Chill, Eliza. You look fine." He sat on the bench and placed his bag of chips and can of v8 fusion juice on the table in front of him. He talked about him and the guys working together in the studio and what not. They formed a group, calling themselves Black Hippy. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop feeling like the girls were still laughing at me.

"I haven't stepped out the house without a jacket since I was in sixth grade. I have so many thoughts running through my head right now, Soul. Oh my God." My words ran together due to the anxiety growing inside of me.

"Really, Eliza? Cover that up, no one wants to see all that fat everywhere!" Coraline yelled loudly from where she was standing. I looked at Soul as everyone laughed. He sighed and shook his head.

"I can't hit a girl," Soul told himself.

"You know what?" I asked myself out loud as I stood up to Coraline. "You are such a terrible person, Coraline, calling me fat just because I got meat on my bones. I'm sorry that you have such low self esteem, but being jealous about my curves is not going to make you feel any better." I grabbed my bag from the table and walked away, Soul eventually following behind me. I don't even know where that bit of confidence came from, but I'm glad it came. I felt so fierce as I walked. Wind blowing my hair back as I strutted down the hall. I felt like I was a model, walking down the runway.

"I'm proud of you, Eliza." Soul chuckled to himself as we ended up at my locker.

I couldn't help but laugh myself. I felt really good about myself.

"Ahem," a voice from behind me cleared their throat. "El?" That voice was too familiar.


"Can I talk to you?"

I looked at him intently. He seemed to be nervous and anxious. I looked at Soul, mentally telling him that it's fine and I want to talk to Mal. We kind of have that bond where we can mentally speak to each other. Feel me? Anyways, he walked away, far enough to give Mal and I some sort of privacy.

"I want to apologize. The way I treated you was unacceptable, and I feel terrible about it." His voice sounded different. Like he was tired and worn out.

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