Chapter Seven: Part Two

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Surprisingly, Ms. Frankie allowed me to go to the party at Kendrick's house. I told her it was to celebrate his signing to TDE. I think she was drunk when I asked, because her words were slurred and she also said she doesn't care what I do.

I was dressed in casual attire with my jacket over me. I slipped on my black Converse sneakers and headed out the door.

Once I made it to Kendrick's house, I couldn't find Mal anywhere, so I looked for Kendrick. I searched in the kitchen and saw him with two other guys. One was Q. I remember him from when we went to Incredible Pizza. I'm guessing the other guy was Jay. Kendrick often spoke about him.

"Hey." I smiled, awkwardly waving my hand at Kendrick.

"Hey, E." Kendrick greeted me with a wide smile. He looked very ecstatic.

"What's up, Eliza," Q said.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Yo, E, this is Jay." Kendrick introduced me to Jay.

Jay nodded and grinned at me. "What's up?"

"I'm Eliza."

"Nice to meet you."

We had talked for a while about the party until Q and Jay went to talk to some girls. I looked at the girls they went to talk to, and looked closely at how they presented themselves.

They were dressed in very revealing clothes and caked with makeup. I couldn't believe guys actually wanted to talk to them. They just looked like they had lost all respect for themselves and dressed for the liking of a few guys. Honestly, I was jealous of them. I wanted guys to come up to me and tell me how good I looked or ask me for my number. But they always go for girl like them. The girls that are willing to give out everything to everyone without a single care in the world. Very disheartening, but I guess that's how it works around here.

"So tell me how you feel. How is it to be signed to a record label?" I asked Kendrick, sparking up a conversation.

"It's crazy, E." He let out a chuckle. "And it all just happened so fast."

"Wow. You deserve it."

He nodded. "Thank you, E. You showed him my music and none of this would be happening if you wouldn't have done that."

"Stop, Kendrick. Your the one wi-"

"Hey, babe," a familiar voice, along with a pair of hands around my waist interrupted me.

"Oh, hey, Mal," I said, surprised he called me babe. I smiled as he kissed my cheek. "Mal, this is Kendrick. Kendrick, this is my boyfriend Mal."

Kendrick held his hand out for a handshake, but Mal ignored him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked me in my ear.

"Excuse us, Kendrick," I said as Mal pulled me away. He took me upstairs and pushed me into the bathroom. As soon as he shut the door, I felt his hand slap across my face. I held my face as I began to catch my breath. I didn't know what had happened; it all went by so fast. I was highly confused.

"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again!" He yelled. It wasn't like anyone would be able to hear him. The music from downstairs was still loud in here. "I don't ever want to see you talk to him again, you hear?"

I nodded as tears began to fall from my face. I winced in pain as I felt on my sore cheek. I looked at my hand and saw blood. He had given me a cut from his ring.

"Clean yourself up and go home. You don't need to be here if that dude is here."

I took a glance at him. He had an evil look on his face. I don't even know what I did that was disrespectful. He walked out of the bathroom as I picked myself up from the floor, not even sure how I ended up down there. I must've fallen when he slapped me. I washed my hands and face before leaving out and deciding to go home. Luckily, I didn't pass by Kendrick on my way out. I'd hate to explain to him what had just taken place.

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