Chapter Eleven

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Why am I up this early? I swear I just fell asleep.

I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I freshened up and put on my jacket and converse sneakers before walking outside for fresh air.

"Whatchu doin out here this time of mornin?"

I looked across the street and saw Soul sitting on his porch. "Do you just sit there and wait for me to come out? I swear you stalk me."

He smiled and chuckled to himself.

I walked over and sat next to him on his porch step. "Why are you up this early?"

"I ain't even sleep last night," he said. "I probably slept like thirty minutes. An hour." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Dang. I gotta work in a few hours."

"Sucks." He sighed. "I like your hair."

"Oh my god. I literally just hopped out the bed and didn't even do anything to my hair." I tucked my hair behind my ears.

"That's what I do everyday." He laughed as I noticed his hair was everywhere, but it fit him. It looked nice on him. It was something that made him who he is. Like his shades.

"Why do you wear those shades?"

He sighed deeply.

"I apologize. You don't have to answer if it bothers you."

"No. You're good. My eyes are sensitive to light."

"Oh," was all I could manage to say.

"When I was like ten, I caught a virus called Steven-Johnson Syndrome. That's why I have dark lips and sensitive eyes."

"Oh, wow."

"Had dreams of hoopin, but it ain't work out because of my vision." He looked down as he played with a few pebbles in his hands. "I got teased so much about it."

"Is that why you keep to yourself now?"

He nodded slowly.

"Well, I know how it feels to be teased about things out of your control. Girls hate me because of my body type!" I laughed at how silly it sounded. "Like I can't control that I have wide hips."

"They just jealous."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "You have no idea how many times I've heard that." I shook my head. "How am I supposed to believe that they're jealous when all my life I've heard that I'm ugly and fat? Even my dad called me fat and treated me like I was dirt. Why would anyone be jealous of dirt?" I laughed again to refrain from crying. "I should probably be getting dressed," I said to leave the conversation. "My boss wants to take Cori and I to breakfast." I stood up, but Soul pulled on my arm.

"You're special, Eliza. Them girls at school ain't got nothing on you." He let go of me, allowing me to stand up.

I pursed my lips, not really sure how to feel. "Thank you."

I rushed across the street and swiftly made my way up the stairs to get dressed. I looked in the full mirror behind the room door. I've always despised this mirror. It showed my body. My flaws. I took off my jacket and examined my stomach and hips through the mirror.


"Bye, Drew!" I exclaimed as she continued walking to her house.

"Bye, Eli," she yelled, looking back at me. That was the nickname she gave me. Eli (El-lee).

I opened the door, and the pleasant smell of fried chicken filled my nostrils.

"Dinner's ready. Go sit," my dad ordered. I did as told after washing my hands. He placed a plate of chicken, macaroni and cheese, and green beans in front of me. I instantly began to dig in.

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