Chapter Seventeen

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"Someone's at the door, Lili!!!" Cori rushed me to the door in hopes of seeing Sam. Today's Cori's last day in the home. Sam and Elise are coming over to pick her up and Cori is super excited.

Once I opened the door, both Cori and I were shocked to see who stood on the other side of the door.

"Kendrick." I said quietly, not sure how to react. I felt my heart drop at the sight of him, but I wasn't sure to be happy or angry since he's been ignoring me ever since we broke up. I've been trying to get in contact with him so I could tell him I'm leaving to New York tomorrow, but he'd never pick up the phone.

Cori, on the other hand, squeezed Kendrick's legs in a big hug. "Kenny!" She squealed. "Guess what!" Cori led Kendrick to the living room, continuing to update him on her being adopted by Sam.

"I can't wait to love with Sam and Elise! We're going to have so much fun together. Everything is going to be great since Lili is going to New York and she's going to be happy too."

Kendrick looked at me with shock and confusion. I hadn't told him I was leaving, and his face showed that Soul hasn't told him either. I felt so bad and hated that Cori told him before I could.

I stood up to go outside since I felt really bad about everything, but Kendrick followed me. I plopped myself down on the porch steps and he did the same next to me.

"I apologize, Kendrick. I was trying to tell you-"

"You don't need to apologize, E," he stopped me. "I was the one who wouldn't pick up or return your calls. I was stupid and kept ignoring you because I was selfish and didn't know what to say to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't want to talk to you again until I got my shit together and was able to talk to you without fucking up. I love you so much, E and for me to know I hurt you with my words really messed me up, so I had to make sure I wouldn't do it again, but honestly, I still don't know the right words to say. I'm still not over the fact that I hurt you and caused you pain."

I grabbed his hand. "Kendrick, I love you too. It's okay."

"It's not okay." He shook his head. "E, I cheated on you and disappeared for a week only to come back with a lame ass excuse and you still love me. You stood by my side through that and I threw it all away. I made you look like a fool. I don't deserve y-"

"Kendrick, stop!" I interrupted him before he could say more. "We all make mistakes, some bigger than others, but it's all okay! We both learned our lessons from this and we can just move on from that." I noticed myself beginning to cry as he spoke, and he was on the verge of tears as well. "We both have bright futures ahead of us, so let's just focus on that. How's the music coming along?" I quickly changed the topic of our conversation.

He nodded and smiled a small smile. "We're planning a tour. We don't know how big it'll be yet, though."

"That's great, Kendrick! Maybe you guys will stop in New York and I'll have to buy ticket to see you perform." I flashed a quick smile.

"Yeah, what's up with New York? Is it another photography job?"

"Yeah Ethereal New York is in need of a photographer so Saminah is sending me there tomorrow morning. I'm pretty excited," I explained.

"That's so soon..."

There was silence between us for a few seconds.

"I'm proud of you, E. I can't wait to see your work all over the world," he cracked up. I knew he was being serious, though, and it made me blush. He was my only support apart from Dr. Cole, and I was now leaving them both.

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