Chapter Fifteen

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"You got time to talk, Miss E?" Dr. Cole asked me before I could step foot out the door. I sighed and redirected myself towards his desk. I was really not in the mood to talk to him right now. There were so many thoughts in my head, at the moment, to the point where I was about to burst.

I sat in a desk in front of his desk and he sat in his swivel chair. "How are you? You doin fine?"

I nodded like I had no idea why he was asking me this question. I knew exactly why he wanted to talk to me.

"Is everything at home okay? Frank ain't going crazy, is she?" He laughed. I smiled, but didn't feel in me to laugh. "What's goin on?"

I shook my head. "It's..." I shook my head some more. "It's nothing, sir." I sighed.

"Well..." He shifted his attention to his computer an clicked a few things. "Your grades are telling me otherwise. I've been watching you in here and you don't seem like yourself. You normally got a smile when you come through that door."

I pursed my lips, not really sure of what to say. I mean, I can just tell him what going on. That's what I normally do, but I just don't know. I don't know how I feel. I feel sad, but I'm not really sure why. I feel angry and jealous, but I don't really have a legit reason to feel that way.

"Is it work?"

I shook my head. "It's Kendrick."

"What about him?" He asked.

"We've been dating for a couple weeks now, and since his album dropped, girls are all over him. There was a girl at his release party and she seemed a little..." I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Suspicious. She was all over Kendrick, and it made me uncomfortable."

"So you feel jealous?"

"I guess... I don't know. Kendrick told me not to worry about her, but she's all I worry about."

"You told Kendrick how you feel?"

"No. I want to, but he hasn't been answering my calls, so I don't know where he is or anything."

"Hmm... Well how's home? Everything good?"

I sighed once more, not really wanting to speak on that topic. "I honestly don't know. Ms. Frankie doesn't have the money to keep taking care of us, so we might be moving out November. I don't even know how that's gonna end up..." I trailed off. I began tapping my fingers on the desk out of anxiety. I hadn't felt this way in a long time.

"Sam talked to me about that."

"Did she tell you that she wants me to work in the New York headquarters?"

"Yep. I think you should go for it."

I looked at him. Was he being serious? "What?"

"Do it. If you're scared that you don't want to be sent to a random home, go to New York. Sam says she has someone willing to take you in until you get out of school."

"She didn't tell me all of that."

He sat back in his swivel chair with a smile on his face. "Go for it. It'll be a great opportunity, and you'll be in a safe home."

He could tell I wasn't too sure about it, so he told me to think about it and he dismissed me.

The rest of my day went by so slowly as I couldn't stop thinking of Kendrick. I was really worried and wanted answers for why he's been ignoring me for so long.

I threw my backpack on the floor next to my door and pulled out my phone. I had a missed call from Soul and a few texts from Drew.

"E? Where you at?" Soul answered once I called him back.

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