Chapter Six

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"I found you a job, Miss E." Dr. Cole announced as he made his way to his desk. Everyone else had left out of the classroom immediately after the bell rang.

"Really? Where?" I asked excitedly. I was eager to hear what connections he had made and with whom he had made connections.

"A friend of mine is the founder of Ethereal Magazine company, and she's seen your work," Dr. Cole began.

My eyebrows raised as he spoke. I literally only read Ethereal. They stay up to date on everything fashion and music. They also never miss a detail about anything in the black community. They're the only magazine that keeps it real.

"Ms. Trinity and I talked for a while about you and your work, and come time find out, she is looking for a professional photographer to take pics for the interviews and photo shoots."

I nearly jumped out of the seat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Dr. Cole laughed at me as he saw the excitement on my face.

"She says if you can come this Saturday, which is tomorrow, to train for a professional photo shoot, she will check you out and, if she likes you, give you the job."

I had lost it. "OH MY GOD!" I screeched, laughing hysterically. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I was about to meet Saminah Trinity and train for a professional photo shoot for her magazine. I held my cheeks in my hands as I calmed myself down. "Oh my god, Dr. Cole. I can't believe you really got me this job, like... Yoooo" I laughed out loud again, beginning to tear up. "Thank you so much." I took in a deep breath to calm myself. "What is the address and what time do I need to meet her there?"

He chuckled to himself as he snatched a sticky note from his computer screen and handed it to me. It had some numbers and a street name, so I assumed it was the address. I copied it into my phone and saved it. The note also said to be there at 9 a.m. "Thank you, Dr. Cole! I really appreciate this!"

"You deserve it, E." He spoke seriously. "Your work is amazing. Deserves more recognition than just in the school newspaper."

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you. You're the best. I wouldn't have been able to be this great without you."

"Aww, girl. Get on out before you miss the bus," he laughed.

"Okay! I'll see you later! And I will tell you all about my training!" I yelled on my way out the classroom.

After stopping at my locker, I walked out to the busses. It was so hard for me to hide my excitement, when people walked by, they gave me weird looks because of the smile on my face. I sat in my normal seat on the bus before Mina stepped in with her friends. She walked through the aisles and gave me the side eye, however, I was unbothered. My mind was focused on getting this job at Ethereal.


I didn't think today could get any better, but it did. Ms. Frankie cooked Alfredo chicken pasta, which is my favorite ever. I set up the table for everyone, making sure each person had what they needed in order to eat. Ms. Frankie called the girls to dinner and we soon began to dig in.

"So anything new, girls?" Ms. Frankie asked. She barely ever asked this question; she never really cared about how our days went by.

"My tooth came out!" Cori exclaimed. I looked at her across the table and cheesed really hard. "I have to put my tooth under my pillow, so the tooth fairy can come and give me some money!"

Tasha and Sarah giggled to each other quietly. They were both in middle school, so they felt too old to play with Cori. I was the only one who really hung out with her and honestly cared for her.

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