I Love You (Naruhina) Chapter Three

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The next two class were almost free. Of course the third period was Kakashi-Sensi's class and as usual he came late about twenty minutes after his class begins and used his usual lame excuse 'was helping the old lady on the street' that was his best excuse but a poor one. And the worst thing is he didn't even teach any single lesson all he did was 'you can start reading or do whatever you want' and all he did was sit there and stick his face with 'Icha-Icha paradise' book. Even covering his face with a mask and his left eye with a hetai you can see a blush right under his right eye while reading. Yes he is a smart genius teacher but also a pervert. A second pervert after Jiraiya, well more like he read every books Jiraiya wrote. But he is a cool pervert though. The whole classroom will just talk, the blonde poney hair girl voice is the loudest in the whole classroom her name is Yamanaka Ino and she's a gossip queen in the whole school. The fat boy with chewing potatoes chips in his mouth most of the times his name is Akimichi Chouji and the lazy pineapple hair boy sleeping besides her, Nara Shikamaru, he's the laziest guy in the school but he's freakingly genius and he's the smartest of all. Everytime she talked to them all she get was 'Troublesome woman' or 'munch...munch. ' that was their response.

In front of them was a boy with a fangs and red tattoos on his cheeks, always patting his small white dog name Akamaru. Besides him sit the most quite boy in the entire school, everyone thought he is mute or something, he wore a sunglass and cover most of his face with his jacket, and he loves studying about insects and always keep some with him so every free time he could watch them.

With Hinata and Naruto,well they will talk each other and laugh. Well mostly Naruto make her laugh. He loves seeing her smile and loves hearing her giggling. "and I didn't realize that my milk was expire, so all day I can't get my butt off with the toilet."he said causing Hinata to laugh harder. Wiping her tears away Hinata said "N...Naruto-Kun, you should really stop eating only ramen everyday. It's not good for y...your health".

"I can't its my favourite, I can't live a day without eating ramen"he said. Hinata just smile at him and said "Well too bad N..Naruto-Kun, I don't see y...you bring any food today"

Naruto eyes quickly went wide "Ohh no!! I forgot my instant ramen on my desk and I didn't even ate anything this morning"Naruto said with a panic mix with a sad voice, forgetting his ramen was one of the baddest day in his life. Seeing her crush face Hinata giggle.

"Well. I bring extra bento this morning. I don't mind sh...sharing with y...you N...Naruto-Kun"she said a bit stutter at the last part.

Naruto stare at her and grin widely
"You mean it Hinata-Chan?" He asked and she nodded. "Thanks. You really are my life savior"he said causing Hinata to blush at the last part. She nodded and return the smile.

Ring ........

The fourth period is finished, their Anko-sensi seems to absent today so they were just spend their time talking about their last summer holidays. Now it's lunch time so everyone went outside to have their lunches. Hinata took her bentos box and said "Let's go N..Naruto-Kun".

"Yosh!! I'm very hungry dattebayo!!"he shouted causing Hinata giggle. They both went outside and got up to the school roof,instead of going to the cafeteria where most students go. It was where they both have to their lunch everyday nd every year. They both sat down staring at the view.Hinata handed Naruto her extra bento and started to unwrap her own and smile. There's a few rise balls and mostly cinnamon rolls she smile and took one of the cinnamon and took a bite. Naruto unwrap the box as well and started to took the cinnamon and put inside his big mouth and chew.

"Hmmmm ... Hinata-Chan ... Dis shis hmmm. Sho ...good"he said with his full mouth.

Hinata giggle "I made th..them myself."she said with a smile.

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