I Love You (Naruhina) Chapter Four

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The next day came quickly, Naruto didn't forget to set his alarm this time. He woke up at 7am a little bit tired because he got home late last night. He's a waiter at Ichiraku and you can also say he is also their number one customer too. The old man Teuchi and his daughter are the only people he knows since he was a kid and they are more like his uncle and big sister. He's start working at their since he was 12, he got to work at 6pm to 10pm. He usually get to his work after he meet Hinata at their so called 'play ground' which is in the forest. And got to his work after they played. Ichiraku is one of the most famous ramen shop in Konoha.For four years he worked there and now lately he's working extra time to earn more money till very late at night.

Getting out of the bathroom he quickly put on a black shirt and his usual black pant. He looks like he was going to a funeral instead of school but he just shrug it. Trying to comb his hair for the last 5 minutes but it seems like it was just a waste hos spiky blonde hair is exactly the same as usal. Sighing in defeat Naruto put on his shoes and start walking to his school since he's got sometime he decided to get some ramen at Ichiraku.

"Ohaiyo old man Teuchi and Ohaiyo Ayame-Chan"he greeted.

"Ohaiyo Naruto. So as usual?"Ayame asked.

"You bet!"he replied.

"5 miso ramen coming right up"Ayame said. After a few minutes of waiting Ayame give his orders and asked "So Naruto. You're working so hard lately, are you saving money?"

"Well yes. I uh.. wanted to buy a car"he said.

"That's great! Will you let me be the first one to hop on your car?"she asked.

"Sure. No problem" he said while eating his ramen.

"He's going to take his girlfriend out Ayame. And beside you don't have time to go out you gotta help me run this shop"Teuchi.

"Wait! Naruto's got a girlfriend?"Ayame asked.

Choking "W..What? No!"Naruto protest.

"Admit it Naruto."Ayame joke.

"I'm serious I haven't any"he said.

"Yet"Ayame added.

After a few minutes of swallowing his foods "Well I'm going to late if I don't go now"he said while counting his money to pay.

"They are on the house today Naruto."said Teuchi.

"Really ???"Naruto said with joy.

"Yup since you saving your money I think I should help you a little with that "Teuchi said.

"Well thanks dattebayo!"Naruto said with a grin.

"And Naruto don't be late this evening like yesterday"Teuchi said.

"Ohh right. I was taking Hinata home yesterday but don't worry I will come early this evening. So see you later then."he waved them and start walking.

"He's a good kid. Don't you think Tou-San?"Ayame asked.

"Yes he is."her father replied with a smile.

After a few minutes of walking Naruto made it to school 10 minutes early and he saw Hinata waiting him from his locker. He smile and went to her "Good morning Hinata-Chan. Did you finish my homework yesterday?"he asked with a joke.

Hinata just smile and handing him his book and said "You were planning this since Jiraiya-Sensi class didn't y..you N..Naruto-Kun?".

Naruto just laugh and take the book from her hand.

"N...Naruto-Kun I heard we have new students this year and th..they transfer from Sunagakure."Hinata said.

"Really?? Cool I wonder who they are"Naruto said. After putting some books inside his locker he turn to Hinata and said "Let's go Hinata-Chan". Hinata nodded and they both walk together to their class.

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