I Love You (Naruhina) Chapter Fourteen

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"But I love her......even if she would never feel the same way."

"But I still love Hinata-Chan so much.....even if she dosen't loves me back.... I still love her... I love her so much that it hurts like hell!"said the blonde boy.

"Na..."the indigo hair girl murmer while closing her eyes. She feel something on her head and she can't tell what it is. She can't open her eyes either, she try to open it but still she can't escape from her dream. She can feel that her head is a bit hurt and something is wrapping around from her forehead.

"Is she awake?"asked the blonde kind of whispering.

"I think so"said the rosette.

Hinata was dreaming or more like remebering about the boy that she loves almost her entire life. Right now she's still in unconscious state

"I love her so much"she can hear that voice inside her mind which makes her feel very very happy. Her fingers twitch a bit, she know she's sleeping.  She wanted to open her eyes but still, it is so hard to do it, like her soul can't find her real body, her soul is like in the other realm of the world.

"I know she will never loves me back"but those words are keep echoing inside her mind very loud, this cause Hinata to struggle to find her strength. She wanted to wake up now, she clench the sheet and then she finally open her eyes quickly

"Naruto-Kun!!!!"she shouted and sat up quickly. Looking at her surrounding though her sight is a bit blur and her head is still hurt, all she could see was white. She was in the hospital.

A day earlier..........

Hinata slowly open her eyes, the bright sunlight is kissing her beautiful face which makes her to groan a bit cause her face's getting hot. She slowly sit up and yawn and stretch herself. Looking at her alarm and gasp, it's 8 am now, she never woke up this late before but today. She didn't even remember how she fall asleep last night. She was thinking about her Naruto-Kun before she sleep and of course she dreams about him. She was so happy whenever he kissed her it was so passionate and she can feel his soft lips, she always had such kinds of dreams almost every night and they always made her happy. But to her disappointment and sadness, she always woke up from her dreams. She looked out for him but he was always gone from her sight. She even cried sometimes because it was always just a dreams and never happen in the real world, she loves him so much, she wanted him to loves her as much as she loves him, he's everything to her, not just only a crush or love or bestfriend, he means more than a world to her . She wanted to confess him by herself but she was so afraid, so afraid that he will reject her, she even called herself weak for this.

She quickly get off of her bed and went her way to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

She eat her breakfast alone, her father and sister are not coming home yet so she had to cook just for her everyday. She sigh deeply, she felt a little bit lonely. It never happen like this before but now she feels so strange, normally she's always happy even if she eat her breakfast/ dinner alone or not, Naruto would always take her home after school and always makes her laugh in everyway. She missed every of them, even it was only a day that he didn't talk to her or take her to her home, she missed him so much. To be honest, yesterday it was one of her badest days, he didn't talk to her nor even look at her, it makes her feel so sad and she is starting to think it's because of her.

After 15 minutes of eating ,she clean the dishes and start making her way to the school. She didn't wear any short today either cause she doesn't like the attention she got from other guys so she just wear a normal blue pant that cover her knees and she wear an indigo shirt.

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