I Love You (Naruhina)Chapter Twenty One

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"Are you guys friends of his?"ask a doctor as he came out of the emergency room and take off his gloves and stand in front of group of teenagers who were waiting there for hours waiting and praying for their friend.

"Yes we are doc, how is he? Is he going to be okay?"Shino stood up and stare at the doctor while he was half shaking from his minor injuries.

"Please sir did he made it ?"everyone started surrounded the doctor.

"Well I have good new and bad new "said the doctor with a sigh and continue

"Good new is your friend will survive but bad new is his entire face is burn off and his arm and chest as well, and he is gonna need to stay in the hospital for a very long time to recover and since the hospital is not safe and need to be reconstruct we're gonna need to evacuate all the patients and move them somewhere else " said the doctor as he explain it to them.

Everyone exhale the breaths which they didn't know they have been holding the whole time.

"Were just so happy he's alive, thank you doc"said Sakura and everyone thank him for saving their friend's live.

"We had also called the police to investigate about the explosion, I don't know the reason why someone would target the hospital many patient could have got killed."said the doctor as he sign his signature on the paper the nurse just hand it to him and with that he left but told them that their not allow to go in the room just yet.

Naruto sat down on the seat holding his injured arm and said
"I wanna know how the hell is that guy still trying to kill us after all he tried to hurt Hinata-Chan. I should have finish him that night"he clinch his fist tight and Hinata sit next to him and hold his hand gently and give him a small smile to reassure him. Sakura stood next to Sasuke who was in a deep thought then he broke the silent

"You are not safe in here Naruto, right now he will do anything he can to kill you "said Sasuke as he put his hands in his pockets and stare at Naruto. Sakura nodded

"He's right Naruto, you guys were almost got killed today " she added.

" I know, I wanna know where the heck he is so I can get rid of him before he tries anything again to me or my friends"said Naruto angrily.

"And Hinata your not safe either to stay alone at home, remember what happened the last time "said Sakura with concern and Hinata look down as she try hard not to flash back those terrible moment, her boyfriend was almost got killed trying to save her life.

"Naruto you are welcome to stay over at my place until this thing over" said Sasuke as he put his hand on his friend's shoulder. Naruto smile but he refuse

"Thanks Sasuke but I'm good. I don't want to be a bother. I will look for another apartment to stay" said Naruto.

"Then take Hinata with you" add Ino out of blue.

"Ehh... " both Naruto And Hinata blush at the same time.

"Yeah Naruto you know Hinata is also not safe to stay alone at her place and it's too dangerous for you guys to stay there since Toneri already know a way to sneak inside the compound" said Sakura as Shino and Shikamru started to left the hospital.

"A...Ano but N..Naruto-Kun w..would feel uncom.... " Ino interrupt Naruto by saying

"Naruto still need to recovery and you need to take care of her Hinata. " she continue " Besides this is what you always wanted to happen" she half-whisper the last part so Naruto couldnt hear it but causing Hinata's entire face to glow.

"Say wha..." Sakura smack his head gently and said

"What? You don't wanna look out for her after all she's been doing for you while you were being hospitalized for many days?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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