Alone With You

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I do believe that I am humming.

I mean, I can hear some kind of musical-like noise coming from me and it sounds pretty happy. Sounds like a song I wrote a couple of days ago. One of my better, happier ones that wasn't filled with angst and true love stomped to death.

Yes, I know that most of my songs from my first album are love song so heart-wrenching what would make Carol Banawa want to give me a hug. But not today and not this one. Whatever this whimsical bit of fancy it is, I'm still doing it.

I lifted up my face and shut my eyes close. For a moment I just let the balmy afternoon breeze cool my face. Work had been pretty tough, but I enjoyed this kind of feeling more than anything else. Three months were short period of time and I'm still trying to adjust with everything.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked with a chuckle. "I thought you were going home? I guess you're not as tired as you claimed. about that dinner? Interested?"

The man's deep voice cut my trail of thoughts and my eyes snapped open. Standing next to my car in the GMA 7 parking lot, I turned around to face the grinning and confident Benjamin Alves.

I sighed and threw my bag on the backseat before addressing him. "Yes, I'm tired and was about going to go home before you came."


I smiled and walked into his welcoming embrace for a friendly hug. "Yes," I pulled away and got inside my car. "I'll see you on Monday for SAS taping."

"You could see me tonight and tomorrow morning if you wanted," he teased, cocking his eyebrows playfully.

I laughed. "Tempting, but no thanks,"

After another smile and goodbye, I started the engine and drove away. Ben was handsome enough to make any woman drop to their knees and his great sense of humor was kind of cute, but it's better for us to remain as friends and nothing more. Ben was a great friend and I wouldn't want that to ever change.

That is because I finally got my girl. And yes, MINE!

Geez, for awhile I thought I was gonna have to hypnotize her. That or locked her inside the broom closet and kiss her senseless until she reciprocated my love.

But I really don't have to do that, because since day one, the feeling is mutual.

The thoughts of her make my heart ached with longing. I really missed my girl.

I turned on the radio and tuned in my favorite station, sighing happily when one of my all time favorite song was being played. Tomorrow was finally my rest day and at last I could get the much needed sleep and quality time with my Lablab that we desperately needed. Working in show business was tiring, yet fun thing to do. I was doing what I loved to do and got paid for it.

Just up the street in our condo unit, I pulled into the parking area along side Rhian's white 2012 Honda Civic Coupe.

My lips curved into a smile, knowing that my Labidubs is waiting for me.

Patience is a virtue, Cha. I mused to myself upon impatiently pressing the door-close button. Now alone in my condo building's elevator, the red number rose slowly on its ascent to my sixth floor residence as I leaned against the back wall. I was mentally and physically fried from a hellish week of taping, TV guestings, mall tours and interviews.

All I want now is to crash on the couch, eat, cuddle with my Lablab and maybe something more...the thought was interrupted by that beloved ping noise singled I'd reached my floor.

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