Ch. 2: We Can Work This Out Together

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"JORDAN BUY THE TICKETS ALREADY! I WANT TO GET GOOD SEATS!" I scream at him. It's so funny watching Jordan squirm and become a fumbling mess whenever he's rushed.

Of course, Seamus ruins the fun, "There you go again, being loud, obnoxious, and not caring about anyone else's feelings."

Dang, several months later and he's still salty over Aleks! Okay, I need to mend things. He's my best friend and it's the right thing. Plus he could definitely help me.

"Hey, thanks Jordan." I walk up to my friend/boss and grab my ticket. "Sorry for yelling at you. I was just being me."

He nods like he knows the feeling, "It's okay James, that's just who you are. No reason to get upset about it like some people."

Jordan looks upset and walks to the concessions. I wonder what that's about... The All-knowing Daniel probably knows... Urg I hate drama!

I look up and see that everyone's in their own little bubble. Jordan talking to Dan, Aleks being depressed and angry at Sly, Seamus waiting impatiently for the movie, and me being a dang stalker!

I hear the end of Aleks' conversation and scream "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Then grab all of the food Jordan ordered and run to the theatre. What? It worked as a distraction. And I think Seamus smiled for the first time in months. That's all that matters.


Throughout the ENTIRE movie, stupid Sly was talking and Aleks and that chick out of his league were being all googly-eyed. I swear if she lays a hand on him... And of course Aleks now has her number! Arg I'm so done! He's mine! I'm gonna find her...

Dan puts his hand on my shoulder while all of us walk out of the theatre, "Was the movie that bad? I thought it was good, better than I expected."

"No." I huff. "Seamus is salty and I'm jealous because... Well I don't know why. I'm over him."

The batman-lover shakes his head, "Obviously you're not over Aleks. And I don't know if he's over you either. You should talk to both of them. Explain to Seamus, get on his good side, and make an ally of your best friend, not an enemy. Then, you have a wing man to get back Aleks or whatever you plan on doing."

No wonder everyone goes to Dan for help! "Thanks, that's... really helpful actually."

"No problem! I just gave you a plot to a movie and the movie ended happily-ever-after so I think you'll be fine." And he walks away. So Dan just sits in his office watching movies! He's not in there watching... Bad thoughts James! Stop!

I run to Seamus, who's already to his car, "Hey, we need to talk. Can I come over to your apartment? I know I moved out a couple months ago and we kind of decided to not really talk anymore. But I just want to talk to someone I trust and be someplace I trust."

I moved out of the apartment Seamus and I shared when we stopped talking. The only place I could find was a sketchy apartment in this rundown part of Littleton and it honestly scares me.

"Yeah, whatever, get in." Seamus agrees. I am so lucky today! Maybe I'll get lucky... Geez what is my mind tonight!?


We walk into the apartment and both crash onto the couch. I'm on the right side, Seamus on the left, with us facing each other.

"Okay, I need to explain myself and why I want to mend things." I start. He nods.

"I tried to apologize once and you wouldn't accept it. But I'm hoping that now you will. I miss my best friend, the one person I could trust with anything. I'm trying everything to get that person back." I scoot to the middle of the couch while Seamus is still on the left, swallowing every word in. "My actions are changing, you saw how I apologized to Jordan. My emotions are changing, I'm trying to get over you because you can't be in love with your best friend and like another person..." I didn't notice we had kept getting closer as I talked. Close enough to where I got cut off by our lips touching for the first time in months.

He pulls back and we both have a look of "What the heck just happened?!"

"I'm... sorry. I'm sorry I've been a butt. I'm sorry I've been so angry at you. I just... I feel the same way. I love you too. I still love my first love. That's why I was so angry, I couldn't handle being hurt that bad. You really betrayed me, James. But I want my best friend, I miss you a lot. And, we could move on as best friends, we just aren't good together." Seamus rattles on faster than an auctioneer. How does he just read my mind like that?

I can't help but pull him into a big James hug, "It's okay. I like Aleks, you like Dexter, but we love each other. We can work this out together."


This story has 2 chapters and has so much drama already! I love it xD

You'll notice the role that non-main characters have, Dan has a very important role (from a writer's perspective)

I'm having a battle within myself of whether I ship Jeamus or ImmortalFox more...

I originally planned this chapter having James and Seamus hate each other but #Jeamus4Lyf

I wonder what happened after that hug... *smirk*

QOTD: How did you discover The Creatures?

AOTD: Well, I've watched Eddie since the spring of 2010... then I watched the video where he joined the Creatures. So, no, I haven't watched the original Treetopia's (unfortunately) or the original Homiecraft just because I'm busy *cry* But that's how I found the Creatures.

Can I have some reader feedback? This is super important which is why it's in bold. 1. How many chapters a week? 2? And 2. Which ships should I explore more in IDTM? I have obvious ones planned, but should I add more Aleks & Dom and James & Seamus?

Like, Share, Comment, it means a lot to me and it's nice to spread the love :3


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