Ch. 14: Productive night

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All has been calm and well at the office! Well, as calm as a group of insane men high on Monster can be. Everything is normal, just doing our jobs of playing video games. I've also gotten to know my coworkers more. Like, apparently James's nickname is novapolitan. But I've also gotten to do awesome projects with the guys since communication is SO much easier! Co-ops have been fun but the best part is working on SNI with Aleks, much easier across the hall than the ocean. Speaking of which, I think we're supposed to be doing some audio recordings today at 4... crap it is 4! Geez, I need to stop thinking to myself all the time. It's starting to be concerning.

I snap out of my trance just in time to look up. Aleks grins mischievously through the window next to my office door. Why is he...?

The waves of fart spray hit me before I finish my thought. WHAT A DICK! UGH THIS REEKS! I'm gonna be sick...

I quickly open the door and stomp over to Aleks' office. The room is dimly lit with Aleks reclining in his chair, as though he was waiting for me. Mmm, dim light works well on that dashing man, it hides his pastiness.

Pushing back the dirty thoughts, I muster up some anger, "ALEKSANDR MARCHANT!"

"Baby, I love when you scream my name, but please, not in public." He replies with a smirk.

"You sprayed my room with death!!" I complain. "Now we can't work on SNI!"

Aleks gets hit with recognition, "Uh... guess we both forgot. I thought I was supposed to be doing something! "

Wow, what a genius, "Good job, mate." I turn on my heels to ask Jordan for help on airing out my room.

"Wait, Dex, let's just go to my place to work on it." Aleks pipes up.

"Aleks, that sounds crazy. I don't know who you've had in that place since Eddie and I moved out." I respond.

He gives me a fake look of dismay, "How dare you accuse me of dragging in ugly girls off the street! I mean, I let you in but still!"

"Wow, okay I walked into that one. I guess I can come over." I go along with it. We do need to work on SNI.

"If we get legit work done, will you move back in? We don't have to share a room, you can have Eddie's old room. I mean... unless you want to share a room. Then we could both move into Eddie's old room which was the masters then my room could be the office..." Aleks rambles on.

I sigh, "Aleks, I thought we agreed on taking it slow?"

His swagger immediately comes back as he slowly comes closer to me, "I can take you slow. Then when you beg for more, and scream my name like you do, I'll..."

"OKAY I'LL DRIVE!" I head out of the room before I do something that isn't work appropriate.


The ENTIRE DRIVE Aleks kept distracting me. He'd tickle my armpit or poke my face. At one point he licked my hand, which was gross. What is this boy's problem? He's like a child.

I park and walk to the apartment, while Aleks practically skipped next to me. Seriously, I get he loves me and everything, but what the heck? I wouldn't be this happy unless I knew I was about to have a mind-blowing night.

We enter the apartment and head to Aleks' room. It's still small, dark, and smells funky.

"Okay, I have all the equipment here that we'd need. Yes, I have two sets of all of this crazy expensive equipment."

I look at Aleks like he's crazy.

He throws his hands up in defense, "Hey, I'm too lazy to haul one set between here and the office. Plus, I would probably break it doing that."

Well, he has a point. I put my bag down and pull out the script. Aleks moves another chair over to his setup in his room. Ah, the memories in this room, heck, in this apartment! It's like visiting your old dorm at your college reunion.

Aleks snaps his fingers in front of me, "Hey! Stop daydreaming about me, I'm right here!"

I shake my head, "As if. Now let's get this done."


After two hours, we got everything recorded. And hey, it was pretty fun too! After that, we played various video games on his console in the living room. Now it's around midnight, and we got here around 4:30. It's been a pretty productive night.

I notice Aleks glancing at me. He smirks, and asks, "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"No, dork, it surprisingly isn't snowing." I respond.

"Or ride our bikes around the halls!" Aleks sings like a child.

"We don't have bikes. Or a hall in this apartment." How can I tolerate this lunatic?

He grabs my arms and we jump in a circle, "I've started talking to the pictures on the walls!"

"You skipped a line of the song..." I point out.

Aleks turns soft with compassion, "It gets a little lonely... all these empty rooms... just watching the hours tick by..."

He leans in to kiss me and I lean away.

"Dexter, I love you. I don't care about "taking it slow" or some stupid stuff like that." Aleks declares. "Now kiss me."

After some hesitation, we kiss. Our lips mold together as if we never stopped dating, because we never stopped loving each other. The slow, hesitant kiss turns passionate. His hands grip my waist while I cup his face. I fall back onto the couch. Aleks starts loving my neck and ear. I missed how good he is...


>:3 Aleks got what he wanted

And uh hopefully you guys did too?

I'm sorry I'm busy and how that's always my excuse *cries from shame*

But you guys should follow me so when I comment something about chapter statuses etc you guys get them :)

Thank you all for your continued support as I deal with school and sports and somewhat putting IDTM on the backburner


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