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I wake up around 9am and all I can think about is last night. Dominika is just... perfect. It was a great night that I could just lay here and remember every detail...

Eddie busts through my bedroom door, "LET'S GOOOOOOO!"

"No." I reply grumpily. What does he want?

"Okay, James already went to the office. Now, you and I have to go." Eddie explains. Ew, work.

"I'll go to talk with Jordan and Dan about how I got my identity stolen. But I don't feel like working." I explain to my hyperactive roommate.

I change into some skinny jeans, a twitch shirt, and some vans. My hands mess up my hair so it looks bad on purpose.

Eddie leans in close and says with a suggestive tone, "Did you two love birds have a little too much fun last night?"

"Ew, no, not on the first date!" I'm not surprised he asked that question. "But it was a great date."

We walk out of the apartment.

"So... was it nice like friendship nice or nice like something more?" Eddie prods.

Eddie starts to drive the car as I explain the date from the passenger seat, "It was... crazy. We just clicked. And I had this warm feeling inside whenever we held hands or kissed. I missed that feeling, I thought I would never have it with anyone else."

"DAWWWW THAT'S SO CUTEEEE!!" Eddie fangirls. Seriously? Well, I guess it's kinda cute.

The rest of the ride I think back to when Domi and I met. We just seem to click on a friendship level. Which is always good considering how every relationship is built off of friendship. That ride home from the theatre is a little foggy though. I think Eddie was talking about Domi, since he was trying to hook us up. But then I got mad at him. I can't remember what though. Maybe I'll just ask him.

"Hey, Eddie?" I cautiously ask.

Eddie glances my way before returning his eyes to the road, "Yeah?"

"I was wondering." I word my question carefully, "Did something happen after the TMNT movie? I can't seem to remember the car ride home."

My roommate hesitates, "Oh, it was nothing." That's... weird.

"Okay then." I decide to not ask any further. Maybe I can figure it out on my own.

We walk into the office. Eddie goes into his office immediately, while I head to Jordan's.

"Hey, Aleks. I heard about your mall incident from James. You just need to call the bank, car dealership, cell phone provider, and police about what happened. So they can track your car and phone and arrest the guy and prevent him from using your card." Jordan explains while handing me a piece of paper with all the phone numbers I'll need.

Wow, Jordan's a lifesaver! "Thanks, dude." I reply, and head to my office.

I walk past a couple empty rooms. It's weird to think that those will someday be filled with him and other future Creatures. Maybe even an intern to help with editing.

Now that I think about him, Eddie's been living up to his nickname "Sly". He's been really concerned about my health which is good. But Eddie's been just as concerned about me moving on, especially with going on that date with Domi. And he did the same with him, to the point where he won't even talk to me.

I'm going straight to Eddie's office and I'm going to ask him directly. No more beating around the bush to be polite.

I walk up to his office and stop at the door. I hear... a skype call?

"Hey!" Eddie must've picked up the call. "What's up with a call at this time of the day?"

Maybe they usually skype at night when I'm either working or sleeping.

"I dunno." He responds. "Just felt like it I guess."

His voice. I missed it. Just his accent and the pitch of his voice.

"Okay, good. I wanted to talk to you anyways. I think now might be a good time for us to do the swap." Eddie tells him and secretly me.

The swap? Is that maybe Eddie leaving and him coming back? But why wait until now? I mean, the past couple months have been crazy. And lately we've all settled down. James and Seamus seem okay and I've gotten better.

"Really?" He questions. "Are you sure everyone is okay and ready? Even Aleks?"

Eddie reassures, "Yes, I'm positive. He's actually got a girlfriend which I helped him get. I might want to stay a little bit though once you get here. We still need to hang out."

Wait... they waited for me to be ready? Eddie got me a girlfriend. Eddie wants to hang out with him. And Eddie's been super nice to him and has gotten rid of anything that could hold him back from another relationship...


Footsteps run down the hall to the office. His face is just out of shock from either seeing me or hearing me yell. Eddie looks mortified.

"What have I been "plotting"?" Eddie questions. He's not getting out of this one!

"Gee, where do I start? Well, first you were nice and helped him when he was down. Then, you got him to move on and MOVE ACROSS THE OCEAN, COMPLETELY DESTROYING ME! And you have the nerve to help me get my sanity back!" I rant Eddie's scheme back to him. These dang rants never end well.

By now, James, Seamus, Jordan, and Dan are outside of Eddie's office. Good, they should hear this too.

"And, you decide to be the GREATEST PERSON EVER and hook me up with a girl who doesn't deserve my baggage and who I DEFINITELY do NOT deserve, JUST TO GET ME TO MOVE ON! Now that I've "moved on", YOU'RE GOING TO GET TOGETHER with DEXTER FREAKING MANNING because you FREAKING LOVE HIM! Which is UTTER BULL CRAP!!!" I finish yelling at the guy I would call my brother.

Everyone is just shocked. I'm not much of a yeller, nor a ranter, since they both require lots of effort, something I don't like. But that's okay, I needed to make my point that I'm not okay with this. I'm not okay with Eddie messing with our feelings just to chase some weird puppy-love crush thing.

Dan, always observant, breaks the silence in a sad voice, "You finally called Dexter by his name."


AAAHHHHH long chapter that fills a plot hole! *cries*

The picture is supposed to be like Aleks and Seamus discovering the truth lol

On this sentence, comment if you are team Dexdie (Dexter & Eddie), DexHD (Dexter & Aleks), or Alexdie (Aleks, Dexter, Eddie, btw what's on my profile pic).

If you pick the 3 way... lol I see it as a bromance but I guess they could get a 3 way going. I'm pretty sure Dexter would suggest it, Eddie would encourage, and Aleks would be like UHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOO (aka me xD)

I just started my junior year *cry*

QOTD: What do you hate most about school?

AOTD: The homework load, how fast paced my life becomes because of it, how early I have to get up (6am), some of the people there, how I usually don't have classes with squad, AND THE DRAMA OMG THE DANG DRAMA (the irony of me writing a fanfic in my free time that's centered around drama)

Thanks for reading!


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