Ch. 12: Septa!

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Okay, Dexter should be landing in one hour. I've got the camera charging, car keys, my phone charging, and let's hope I don't forget any of those things. Crap, who's going with us to pick him up?! Okay, stay calm, obviously I'm driving, Dan will be in the passenger seat to record, and maybe Aleks will come with us. OMG WHERE'S MY HAT?! Wait, I'm wearing it. Geez, I'm shaking. I know I shouldn't have stayed up till 3am to play CS:GO then wake up at 7am. Maybe those 3 cans of NOS weren't the best idea...

Dan walks past my room, then backpedals, "Hey, uh, Jordan? You don't look too good."

I scan my office. There's food wrappers and clothes everywhere, I have random things up on my laptop like cat porn, and my clothes are a disheveled mess. It's like my bedroom in middle school all over again.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that, I'm just trying to get everything organized after a late night." I try to cover my tracks while I close the cat porn.

"You've been having many late nights at the office then just sleeping here. And overall, you seem... off." Dan notices. "I've seen your CS:GO unboxing videos."

Geez, even Dan fell for it, "Daniel, I act crazy in the videos so the $30ish I spend on the boxes I make back in all of the views. I have three times as many views on the unboxings as I do my playthroughs. Here and there I lose some money, but it evens out."

Dan walks into my office and kicks some wrappers out of his way. He plops into a chair in the corner, "But still, you're spending a lot of money. That can't be healthy."

"True." I respond. I start to throw away the trash and organize which clothes need to be washed using the trusty sniff method.

"Hey, how's you and Monica doing?" Dan brought that topic up.

How do I explain this? "Well, Monica doesn't approve of my CS:GO. Nor does she like when I come home past midnight, which doesn't make sense since I'm a gamer. So I usually just sleep here in the office then go home the next morning."

Dan looks at me like he's going to slap me, "Seriously?! Jordan, I know you've got a busy job. But the fact you don't go to your house until during the day and only a couple times a week may make Monica think you're cheating on her. Also, that's not a marriage. You two don't spend time together."

"Dan, don't you think I know that?! I love Monica. But this is my job. I have to run the business side of The Creatures, not to mention to videos and such for it and do all of that for my own channel. And when we go on trips, I have to prerecord things for my own channel and plan all the logistics for the trip!"

Dan gives me a hug, "Hey, it's okay. You're overworked and stressed out. You just need a break."

"How can I have a break? Dex is landing in a couple hours! This entire week will be helping him get adjusted. And, uh, the feelings are still here." I admit.

"You still like him?" Dan asks. "I thought you guys were going to take a break and work it out."

This keeps getting worse, "Well, yeah. We took a break from talking to each other and recording. But it didn't work since we have the same friends. And I think he might be coming out here, which would be a disaster!"

"Why is that?"

"It's just that," I try to form my sentences right, "Everyone is still trying to heal and starting to jump into relationships again. I really think we all need to chill and be friends. Especially like that 4-way cheating scandal that happened, it's a love-square. Each of them like two people."

Dan chuckles, "Oh, you mean James, Seamus, Aleks, Dex, and I think Eddie makes it a pentagon. Well, what you said is true. And I feel like if he does come out to Denver, which I'm sure he will, he'll drag both of you in and make it a... uh..."

"A septa-something?" I guess.

We both immaturely laugh, "Septa!"


Septa xD

Anyways, if you've guessed who "he" is, good job!

The next couple chapters will "show" you guys how this story has truly turned into a soap opera. Literally everyone likes everyone. It's like a weird orgi thing... okay now it's really weird.

I'm trying to find a good stopping point for IDTM to end and the third book to start (yes, trilogy is confirmed).

I love Dan, he's so funny and loving

QOTD: What's up with your life lately?

AOTD: Well, I've been getting in shape and working on my skills for basketball off season which starts in a couple weeks. And my writing efforts have gone into scholarships. I am a junior but I figure if I don't win them this year I can also apply next year.

My parents want me to go to Ivy League but I want a life xD

Thanks for reading :3


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