Ch. 5: This Date Will Happen.

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I stand in the parking lot, debating what to do next. How could I be so careless? And now I can't take Domi on a date! Besides that, my identity and car just got stolen! What am I going to do?!

Well, in the middle of my mental breakdown, a car comes speeding my way and almost clips me. Damn dude, this isn't GTA5!

The car reverses, this time slower, and who rolls down the passenger window to talk to me? JAMES!

He snickers, "Hey cutie, you need a lift? Cuz I can lift you onto my DICK!"

"That was the worst pick up line ever." I shake my head as I enter his car. Weird that James was at the mall at this time of the day.

James heads onto the highway for us to get back to the office.

"So, a little birdie told me that you got your car and wallet and phone jacked. How you did something THAT STUPID beats me." James starts to mock and lecture me.

I face the window, "Whatever, thanks for saving me. I just have plans tonight that are probably ruined now."

James unfortunately got the hint, "OOOOOO ALEKS IS GOING ON A DATE!!!!!"

"Shut up! Yeah, I'm going on a date with this girl I like." I confirm with annoyance.

"Aleks, this date will happen, despite you technically having no money or identity anymore. One, because you need to get out there. And two, so I can get over you."


James veers out of the semi's way.

"Sorry." I apologize, "Come again?"

James responds nervously, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! Haha, I asked if I can help you out in any way."

"Yeah, could we go to my apartment and let me use your car for the night while you crashed at my place?" Yes, I came up with an awesome plan!

James nods his head as he veers onto the exit to get to my apartment, "I'm going to call Jordan and have him cancel your cards and call the police and all that stuff."

"Thanks dude."


Okay, I've got the outfit, the money, the car, and a really cute sleeping James on my couch. I've got 45 minutes to pick up Domi, then off to our date!

But first, lemme mess with James!

I walk over to James and plot in my head. Hmmm, tickling is overrated, I don't want to get my couch messed up with water or shaving cream... Oh, I know!

Luckily, James is sleeping on his back. So, I take his offer from when he picked me up from the mall.

James moves his hands to my waist as the lower part of his body reacts as well, "Mmmmm Aleks... I missed this..."

I try to hold back a snicker. I whisper into his ear, "Anything for you, baby."

"Mmm... Hey, Seamus, come join us..." James halfway moans in his sleep.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Especially because of the way James' hips are moving and... urg half-way asleep James needs to STOP MAKING ME HORNY. I gotta stop... I have a date... And I don't like Seamus like that.

I try to gently get up off of my sleeping friend who's having too much fun. Crap, he woke up!

"Urg... Aleks you wouldn't believe the crazy dream I just... WHAT THE!" James looks at me in disbelief.

"I'm gonna head to my date now... Sorry I was just messing with you..." I start to walk out the door.

"James gets up and puts me over his shoulder, "Nope, you're gonna finish what you started and you're gonna like it."

"Wait, no, James, you have Seamus! And I have a date with Domi! And I'm trying to figure out this weird triangle thing I'm in with Sly and Dex! JAMES!" I try to reason with this very handsome man.

James keeps carrying me to my room, "Yup, you're gonna scream my name like that a couple more times. You've still got 30 minutes and it's okay to be late since the girl always takes too long doing her make up."


Teehee :3

Just some more NovaHD fluff I thought you guys would like.

It's my apology for not updating much lol

And in my feed you'll see that I've been reading a Pentatonix fluff book that I love so much and it gave me writing inspiration <3

QOTD: When do you start school/Are you excited for school?

AOTD: Sorry for bringing it up! I just got my schedule yesterday and I got all the cool teachers! I start the 18th. And I'm excited for school since I'll get to see my friends more often, even though I don't have any classes with my close friends. I think my school is plotting against the squad.

Maybe I'll update more often, maybe I won't update for a month. You never know!

Just keep sharing, favoriting, etc... I love it when you guys comment <3



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