Ch. 4: I am going on a date in...

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Okay, I'm doing this. I am going on a date in... 8 hours and 21 minutes. Okay, I just need to arrange everything... Shoot, I didn't even ask if she's available today and I don't know where to take her! Urg... I am SO screwed. Damn dude, I should've planned this better!

It's fine, it'll work out. I need to get organized, one thing at a time.

"Hey," I text Dominika, "Wyd tonight?"

I wait for a response while looking for an outfit. Just graphic tees and skinny jeans!

My phone went off!

"No y?" She responds. Oh, she'll know why.

"Wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me tonight?" Yay, fast replies!

"Sure! Uh... where?"

"A place I think you'll like. Just dress chill-cute. I'll pick you up at 5."

"Okay, here's my address *kiss and wink face emoji*"

YES! Got that emoji! Just need to get an outfit... My life is a mess.


I guess I'll go chill-cute? Which means a nicer top to go with my skinny jeans.


I've gone to Wet Seal, Tilly's, H&M, Forever 21, and NO LUCK! Maybe I'll just go home and find something. I've got... 5 hours and 36 minutes. Why do I feel like everyone who goes shopping has no luck?

I walk into Urban Outfitters, maybe I'll find something there. There's this shady guy in here... eh it's probably no big deal. It is Colorado after all, maybe he's dealing some drugs.

I start to walk to my car since I now have 4 hours and 47 minutes. Wait... where is my wallet? And my keys? DID THAT SHADY GUY...

I reach for my phone to call for back up and NO PHONE EITHER! DUDE!

Okay, don't panic. You just have no phone, money, and no way to get those two things. No big deal. Don't panic... WHERE IS MY CAR?!

"SEE YA SUCKER!" I hear the shady guy scream as he speeds past me like he's a real G from GTA5.

How do I get out of this one?

~~~DOMI POV~~~

I stayed up all night with my sister, watching YouTube videos, talking about guys, and eating food. IT WAS AWESOME! But it's like 8:30am and my phone is going off and we didn't go to bed until 4am...

Weronika grabs the phone first, "Hey, it's a text from some dude with a heart emoji next to his name! His name is... Ah-lexus? No, Alex! It's just spelt weird..."

That definitely woke me up, "GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" I lunge for my phone.

"That's what she said!" She giggles as I grab my phone.

"His name is Aleks, he's Russian and SO HOT..."

"Wait is this the guy you were talking about last night?"


"OMGOMGOMGOMG!" We freak out for me!

"Now we can spend the day doing your make up and outfit!"

We head to my closet. Aleks said chill-cute... so jeans and a cute top?

I pick just that: A white with black striped top and some jeans. I pair it with an over the shoulder bag.

My sister then does my make-up and does my routine for me: foundation, cat eye eyeliner, mascara, pink lip gloss, curls my hair, and finds some earrings with a pearl in the middle. Looks like I'm set! With 6 hours until the date... Oops.

"Well, I don't want my hard work to go to waste. So, want to just walk around the mall?" Weronika suggests. Seems like a good idea.


So we of course hit stores like Tilly's, Victoria's Secret, Nike, Gamestop, and Bath and Body Works. I didn't find ANYTHING! But I already have a lot of clothes and other stuff so it's okay. Am I the only one who struggles with this?

There was this shady guy who was practically running through the mall from Urban Outfitters. And he was carrying a wallet, phone, and keys. Maybe he left a dog in his car or something.

We walk out of the mall to our car and hear tires screeching, someone yelling, and someone else half crying half yelling.

We put two and two together and run to where the second guy yelled from. I knew I should've tackled that shady guy!

And the guy in distress is... Aleks?

Weronika and I decide to call his friend James, since I may have stalked his twitter to find out who his friends were, and go home. We have around 4 and a half hours left so we can probably binge watch some Game of Thrones and get food until then. Hopefully the date still goes as planned and Aleks is okay.


Hey! Sorry for the delay, that's why I posted an extra long chapter!

I hope you got that song reference earlier in the chapter.

The stores Domi went to are the stores I mainly shop at. xD

I don't know much about Domi so I just stalked her twitter until I found out she had a sister.

I don't even watch Game of Thrones...

I'll try to update more but I only write when I feel like it so the chapters are better quality.

QOTD: How have you felt about the pace of IDTM so far?

AOTD: I feel like the chapters have been short and the plot has been going fast, that's why I had this long filler. I'm going to try to add more fillers and some more comedy to this book, since those are two things I've been failing at so far.

Thanks for reading and for 50 reads so far!


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