Ch. 3: Batman Interrogation Techniques

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Hey, heads up, this chapter along with the rest of IDTM deals with Jordan's divorce with Monica. I fill in what may have happened leading up to the divorce and after. I do end up having Jordan liking someone else. I know this is a touchy topic for the fandom and that's why I added this note. In a message Jordan wrote on the reddit, he stated that the amount of focus and time that being a YouTuber and running the Creatures takes took a toll on his marriage. I love both Jordan and Monica and I wish them both the best. The reddit post link is on the sub-reddit and titled "An important message to the fans". Enjoy the rest of the chapter :)


Come on Gaben! Give me a knife! Or a purple! Heck, even a red!

And I get... a blue. A NEGEV! Seriously Gaben!?

Apparently my screams of grief were too loud. Dan shows up at my office.

"Hey, what's wrong? I've noticed you seem... off lately." Dan gives me a look of scrutiny.

I push away his batman interrogation techniques, "No, Dan, I'm fine. Thanks though."

Dan throws some papers at my face, "What are all of these bills then? These credit card statements and loan sharks and... your other bills not being paid?"

Great, he caught me. "Okay, so I'm kinda addicted to these unboxings and I'm funneling all of my funds and a little extra into it."

"Addicted to gambling? Sounds like you definitely have deeper problems. Come on, tell me!" Dan keeps prodding.

"Fine, I guess I should tell someone. You and I both know that we do a lot for our fans. We spend a lot of time and energy to push out content and we stay connected with them. We don't have a traditional 9-5 job, we have a 24/7 job. The amount of focus and time I've spent for my own channel and for the Creatures has taken a toll on Monica and I. We just don't spend much time together and when we do spend time I'm always exhausted. It just isn't working out and I don't know what to do."

Dan listens as I pour my heart out, "Well, first, maybe you shouldn't get both of you in debt. That'll just create more problems. Second, we can hire some more people and the rest of us can help you out. We're a team, practically family. And if you need to take a break and spend quality time with your wife, do it. The fans will understand."

Dan's right. Maybe we do just need some quality time together. But, there's a problem.

"Hey, Dan? I can trust you with something, right?"

"Of course you can."

"I think I like a guy. I don't know what to do."

Dan pauses, "Do I know him?"

"Yeah. Monica does too."

"Wait, is it..."


"Hmmmmm." Dan sounds exactly like his intro. "That is a predicament. Especially due to what is happening soon."

"Yes, I know."

"Well." Dan starts as I freak out internally, "If what you feel is real, then you do you. It doesn't hurt my life. And as long as you're happy, I'm happy. Just please, don't hurt Monica. You two have gone through so much together and I would much rather the two of you work on your marriage than you ditching when things get tough and chase after a crush that is borderline illegal."

"Thanks, Dan. You really are a great friend."

Dan pulls me into a bear hug, "Anything for you. Now go home and get some sleep. Whatever work you have to do can wait til tomorrow."


Hey, sorry this chapter was a little short.

Dan's views in this chapter ARE NOT CONFIRMED, just what I assume based on his personality.

Jordan seriously had (has?) a bad addicted to unboxings lol. I actually rewatched the video where he rolls Dan a knife (that's where the chapter photo is from).

Now that I think about it, I haven't watched any of The Creatures' videos since TreeTopia was suddenly ended... Oops.

QOTD: Who is your favorite Creature?

AOTD: Honestly, I love them all. But if I had to pick, I watch Eddie the most. Aleks the second most. So, I guess I'll go based on that.

Okay, I'm so behind in the fandom.

Who is that Asian dude?

And do we know what Intern Joe looks like?

Also, do Aleks and James live together again?

Urg I really need to watch videos and streams. Geez.

Lol, hope you liked the chapter! Make sure to favorite and share etc etc. (I've typed it like twice and already too lazy to type it) (That parenthesis note was longer than the whole thing, derp).


I Drank Too MuchTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon