Ch. 11: Layover in Orlando

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~~~DEX POV~~~

That plane ride I swear! I've got creaks in my neck and my blazer is wrinkled... I hope I never have to travel back and forth again!

Well, now I have a layover in Orlando until my direct flight to Denver. I actually haven't talked to Eddie since that weird skype call, so I don't know if he's already moved down here. All I got was the A-Okay from Jordan and a plane ticket paid for by The Creatures.

I decide to call Eddie while I walk over to the luggage retrieval.

"Uh... hey Dex." Eddie answers. Does he not want to talk to me?

"'ey mate. I've got a layover in Orlando on my way to Denver. So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something today."

He seems to light up, "Yeah! Do you want to grab food then head back to my place? I just moved into this apartment."

"Sure!" I respond. At least we're still good.


Eddie picked me up from the airport and drove us to get food. Now we're driving to his new apartment.

He gives me an apartment tour in that nasally voice that makes him sound rich and important, "Okay, so obviously we've got the living room and where I keep my consoles. Now here's the kitchen with yummy food. There's my bedroom. And here is my office with my setup!"

I notice that there are girl's clothes in the closet, and there are two computers in his office. The second one has a drawing tablet thing hooked up to it. Does Eddie have an artist that does his thumbnails yet is also his side piece? If he wants me to know, he'll tell me. I don't want to pry where I don't belong. But a side piece that works for him for free?! Dang, he's got it made!

We both sit in a chair in his office.

"So... uhmmm... about that skype call a couple weeks ago..." Eddie begins. I guess it is okay if we talk about it. We can't have this weird tension between us.

"Yeah, it was a little weird. James and Seamus got it on. Aleks is probably an emotional wreck."

"And you?" Eddie asks with concern. How am I?

"Well..." I try to phrase this correctly. "I feel... betrayed. Yeah, you helped me... a lot. But in a sick and twisted way. You messed up Aleks and made me hate him. And now it seems like he has to pick between me and an amazing girl. Plus, it seems like you messed up the chemistry between The Creatures.

He nods in agreement, but has a sad look, "I'm really sorry about everything, Dexter. I just did what I thought was best for the group. And I'm assuming that you don't even like me in that way. Aleks won you... again."

Wait... again? "Again? As in you've seriously liked me since... when?"

"Yes, I've liked you since we met in person at the airport. When you first came to Denver. You got Aleks and I at the same time and you didn't even realize it." Eddie explains. Gosh, I must be as bad as teenage girls at realizing when guys like me.

"I'm flattered, Eddie. You know I am. I just... I don't know." I'm so conflicted at this point.

Eddie scoots closer to me, "Well, if it worked for him, it'll work for me."

Suddenly, our lips are connected. My hands go to his face and our heads turn slightly in the opposite directions to get closer. I missed feeling this passion, from myself and my partner.

His arms wrap around my waist and pull me onto his lap. With this new angle, he moves to my neck by a trail of kisses.

I can't help but moan as his teeth nip at my weak spot, "Mmmm... Aleks... Ugh I missed you..."

Eddie gently pulls away and sighs, "Even when it seems like we could actually happen... he always has a grip on you. Even when that grip will suffocate you and make you see things. And you'll never realize that. You'll always go for and be with him."

My guilty conscious takes over, "I'm sorry, Eddie. I thought we could be together too. But now... I feel torn. And I just need time to think things over."

"Okay, that's understandable. Just know I'll always be here for you. I don't want our friendship to be affected by this." Eddie says while pulling me into a hug.

"Now, let's go back to the airport so you can get to Denver. Go get your man! Come on girl, stop sulkin'! Let's go!" Eddie slaps a grin on his face.

And this is why I'll always love him. Maybe not the same way as Aleks, but still love.

"Yes, your gooniness!" I respond with a chuckle.


The chapter was a little sad/intense but I tried to leave on a happy note.

So, my homecoming is in a couple weeks! I got my dress and everything! I just haven't been asked yet... :/ My boyfriend acts like he isn't going to ask me, but I'm pretty sure he's trying to play off the fact he's trying to make a big deal out of asking me. Boy, you aint slick!

But he is cute, so it's okay :3

I decided to try to avoid the whole Kala situation since I freakin love her. But I had to add the fact that she's most likely with Eddie at this point in the story.

If you want to take that as Eddie cheating, you can. But irl, Eddie would never do that. He's too much of a gentleman.

Yay for old Creature photos!

QOTD: Are you excited for homecoming? (Or whatever school dance your school may have)

AOTD: Yes! I don't know, there's something fun about getting a dress and getting your hair and make up done. Then spending the day and night with your friends. Also, I think I'm up for nomination for homecoming princess, which is weird. I'm in sports and clubs and I'm friends with a lot of people. But I'm not popular, and some of the popular kids only know me because of sports and because I help them on their homework. I'm one of those nerdy athletes. And I think the band would vote for me (which is like half the school) because my boyfriend is section leader (team captain of band).

My excitement is measured in how big my response is xD

EDIT: Thought Eddie was in Miami, he's in Orlando

Thanks for reading!


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