Ch. 13: Smashed with the Display of Beef Jerky

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~~~3rd Person POV~~~

(I'm changing it just for this chapter. Sorry if it's weird. If you want, skip to the AN)

Dexter steps out of Jordan's car. He thinks about what might happen once he enters the Creature's Office again, if it'll be an awkward interaction between him and his coworkers. After what happened between him and Eddie, Dexter decided to not tell anyone, wanting to avoid adding fuel to the fire.

"Come on Dex!" Jordan shouts at Dexter. "All the guys are waiting to see you again!"

Dexter makes a snide joke about how guys always want to see him, and heads to the building.

Jordan opens the door to the lobby/break room and immediately jumps away. Dexter walks into the doorway with a confused look and is immediately smashed with the display of beef jerky by James. While knocked out onto the floor, he wonders why no one has eaten those ancient pieces of meat.

Dan runs over to Dexter while James is laughing over his prank and gives him a bear hug. Seamus records the moment while Aleks lounges on the couch, gazing at Dexter.

For about half an hour, everyone talks to Dexter about what they've been up to and ask Dexter how he has been. They also show him any changes that may have happened while he was gone. Finally, Aleks is done gazing at Dexter and walks over.

"Hey guys, I don't mean to be rude. I just really want to talk to Dex. And he seems a little overwhelmed by all of this." Aleks takes Dexter to his office in a surprisingly polite way.

The couple hears James make a joke about "getting it on" before Aleks can close the door.

Aleks ponders how to explain his thoughts, but decides to wing it, because it always seems to work out when he wings it.

"Okay, Dexter, I, uh, don't know how to really explain this. It's that... I still love you. And I just want to be with you forever. But I feel like we might be moving too fast. Between our issues and how James seems to like me and Eddie seems to like you and the entire group is in a weird love plot like a cheesy soap opera, I just don't know what to do anymore."

Aleks hopes he didn't come off rude. It is true that James still likes Aleks, but he's been trying to ignore that, due to not returning the feelings. Aleks also has a feeling that although he loves Dexter, he is still heartbroken and should maybe look to being with someone else or alone until he's okay.

Dexter nods in agreement. Eddie does like him, and thankfully Aleks doesn't know to what extent Eddie has done to show that. But what he doesn't know is who he would pick, if he had to. Would he pick Aleks, who he's been with, and risk getting broken again, or go with Eddie, and try something new? They say that once you're tired of something, you try the opposite, but maybe that would be okay.

While Daleks talk their feelings over, the guys break into their respective offices to do more contemplating than working.

Seamus has been contemplating too much lately, with it showing in his channel. But that's okay sometimes, especially for someone like him. Because not only does he have to figure out if James likes him or Aleks more, but he also needs to fully forgive James. Also, Seamus can't get that Brit out of his head, not since the night where they cried to each other. He felt like that started a connection between them, but Dexter does not seem to realize. Seamus finally decides to stop worrying about James and Dexter and continues editing.

On the other side of the office, James tries to sound whore through the wall. However, Aleks and Dex aren't talking loud enough for James to hear. He gives up and plops into his chair. At this point, he doesn't know what to do with his personal life. On one hand, he loves his little innocent and precious Seamus, who he's hurt. But on the other hand, he wants Aleks, who is his partner in crime or his enemy. But that's the best part about Aleks. He can be his own trouble maker, or can be sentimental and dependent on someone. This is James' constant struggle between two guys.

Jordan skypes Kevin from his office, assured that none of the other guys would hear the conversation. The two talk about recent events, eventually reaching the topic of PAX Prime 2014. Jordan explained how they weren't quite sure what the details were, despite the event being a month away, but did talk about how he would be inducted as a creature and move into the office.

For Kevin, this sounded amazing, he would get to work with his idols! It also meant that he could get closer to the one guy he had been fanboying over since he could remember: Aleks. When he first saw him in the other Creature's videos, he was mesmerized by that accent he heard through skype and the mystery of his face. Even when he saw that Russian face, Kevin just wanted to be with Aleks even more. He wasn't sure what this was, or if it was even legal until recently, but he decided to follow his heart.

Jordan was just as excited. Kevin would become a creature now! Their friend since the group was started! However, according to Dan's advice, this would be a disaster. Because of this, Jordan now has 1 month to make his marriage solid.

Dan, good ol' reliable lovable Dan, sat in his office, editing Creature videos diligently and being the best friend ever. For a moment, he wondered if his best friends would be okay. But he knew that no matter what craziness went down, that they would make it through. After all, they have him, the calm in the storm. And Dan has Elizabeth, who he texts that he can't wait to see tonight at their apartment.


How Dexter got smashed with the beef jerky when he entered the office can be a metaphor for how when he returned to the Creature Office, he got hit with a bunch of drama. Yay english?

That was kind of weird... that's how the chapters play out in my head but I convert it to first person. Now I'm talking in third person to myself. "Phoenix writes the AN, which no one most likely reads. She also wonders if this long chapter will make up for being late and missing a chapter. She thinks it will not. She takes a writing break to lock her house."

I need mental help. Junior year is killing me.

Dexter's face on the chapter picture is me when it comes to drama. So how I'm writing this, I have no clue. Maybe I just hate my own drama but like others.

But last night was fun, I had homecoming :3 I would show you guys pictures, but I don't want you to see my face. Kinda private...

In case you're confused by this chapter, here's a recap:

Aleks is heartbroken. He wants to be with Dexter, but knows that they should move slower. He also has James flirting with him and Aleks does not return the feelings yet will not tell James. He has an internal feeling that soon (hint hint) he will run into someone new that he'll want to be with and might accidently use to replace Dexter. Aleks plans on breaking things off with Domi, based on his personal emotional state.

Dexter loves Aleks, no matter what. However, he too feels like they need to slow down. Especially since he is deciding if he wants to be with Aleks and how he is confused over how he likes and wants to be with Eddie.

Eddie likes Dexter and his overall plot was to be with Dexter and have Aleks move on so this love triangle thing could be the past and they could move on with their lives. It backfired, making Eddie seem like a bad guy by backstabbing Aleks for Dexter.

Seamus likes Dexter, especially after they went through their boyfriends cheating on them with each other. He doesn't know if he wants to be with James, let alone forgive him for what happened.

James wants to heal things with Seamus and be with him, but also be with Aleks. He can't pick between the two.

Jordan is having marriage problems with Monica due to his "gambling addiction" and how much he works due to having a personal channel and being the "boss" of the Creatures. He thinks that he likes Kevin as more than a friend and Dan has been helping him with this drama.

Overall, there is a lot of drama and all of the guys want time to work it out.

Okay, I think that's it. Geez.

Thanks for reading :3 There are 404 reads lol


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