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We took a seat on the roof and started eating our lunches. "We should hang out more often you guys are nice." I said shoving rice in my mouth. Rin nodded. "You guys seem cool." She said somehow eating an egg with chopsticks. "Finally, some girls notice how cool I am! So how about that date?" Kida says looking at me. I can't tell if he's joking or not. " thanks..." I say. "Hey, we should all go to Russia Sushi sometime." Mikado offers. "Russia Sushi?" Rin asks looking at me. I shrug. "Yeah, we know a guy who works there. He's super big but he's really friendly." Kida explained. "I've never heard of Sushi that's Russian." I say looking over to Mikado. "It's surprisingly good." Mikado adds. "We could go on the weekend. Maybe Saturday?" I suggest. "We can all meet up there, sounds good! What time though?" Mikado asks. "How 'bout 7:00 it's probably less crowded?" I said. "Sure! I can't wait!" Kida says grinning. "Geez... stop talking about sushi you're making me crave it now...." Rin says eating her bento. Kida, Mikado and I laughed. We soon finished our lunches and the bell was about to ring to go to class. "Well, see ya guys." Rin said standing up. "We better go to class, see ya guys later!" I say standing up and walking away. Rin follows and we head to our lockers to get our books and walk off to our classes.
(Time skip)
We wave to Kida and Mikado and start walking home. Suddenly a vending machine comes this way but we were both pulled back by someone just in time. I look over my shoulder. "Oh, Shizu-chan, you almost hit the same girl you did yesterday." he coos "How rude." He adds smirking. It's Izaya. "IIIIIIIIZZZZZZAAAAAAAAYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!" says a loud voice as a man in a bartender's uniform walks this way. It's the man Rin called Shizuo Heiwajima. "Listen," Shizuo says looking down at Rin and I. "Stay away from this flea, he causes nothing but trouble!" He exclaims. She looks over at me. "Everyone here seems so interesting!" she says her eyes filled with excitement. "They're dangerous though." I say to Rin. "He just threw a vending machine!" I exclaim. Izaya uses this as his chance and takes off. "IIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYAAAAA!!!! I'LL KILL YOU FLEA BASTARD!!!" Shizuo yells pulling a street sign from the ground and running after Izaya. Rin grabs my wrist and looks back at me. "Lets watch!" she says excitedly and pulls me before I can say another word. She's fast I can barely keep up. Geez... I should have joined the track team. How does Rin know where to go? Shizuo and Izaya are long gone. "Rin! are you sure you're not getting us lost?!" I call. "No way! just follow the trail of destruction." We come to a stop. Izaya is jumping buildings and Shizuo is throwing cars, Cars! a loud neigh is heard and Izaya lands on the ground and looks in the direction of the noise. Shizuo is holding a stop sign and looks at the direction of the noise as well. A black bike comes scaling down a wall. 'How is that even possible?!?!' I think. Rin is staring in amazement. " I told you this place is amazing! I mean come on he has a superhuman-like strength!" She says and pulls me towards it. Geez Rin, sometimes, she's not that bright. I have to admit, this is all pretty cool though...

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