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Hello- I need some sort of name for people who read my stories... CORPSES! Imma call you guys my lovely corpses. Since my name is
Blank Reaper and reapers associate with corpses. Damn I'm a genius. What? Do you have a better idea? *Tsundere mode activate*  I-it's not I want you to comment what name a should give you guys or anything.
N-not that I want your opinion. Baka!
*Tsundere mode deactivate* Uh. Yeah. But like the title says, ask away! You can ask me, or any of the characters in Durarara just write who it's to and your question will be answered by that person in the next chapter in my authors note. So you better damn read the note at the bottom that no one ever reads. *laughs evilly* such a perfect plan... *Walks away* *Mikado walks in* S-sorry about that... The author is going a bit crazy since she hasn't gotten much sleep and stays awake until 5AM... S-sorry about that everyone... *bows and walks away*

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