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How long has it been since I last updated? Like four months? Well damn... I'm sorry. I have been busy at the end of the school year because we were basically given a ton of assignments and I've been practicing my violin every day now plus I have chores and I occasionally cook, so sorry for not updating. Plus I'm going in eighth grade next year... Geez... I'll be graduating! Fuuuuuuuuuck! I've really matured over the last four months because believe it or not I used to be like: "I'm so happy! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!" All shy and sweet and now, "Oh go to hell. Huh? Oh. Thanks. You didn't have to do anything it's not like I really care." I turned into a cold, Tsundere version of Revy. Actually that's basically be Ninth from Mirai Nikki... I also finished the first seasons of Danganronpa, Tokyo Ghoul, and started watching a couple other so clearly I've been productive XD Also, Kaneki-kun turned so freaking badass at the end of the season! Im pretty sure I have a crush on Kaneki after seeing that last episode. He was so cool! Wait-what was the point of this again? *looks at sheet of paper* oh, right. If there are any cute girls please- MASAOMI!! Did you switch my script?! I swear... Anyways, I'll try to add some kind of plot here or something. I don't know. Maybe just kill off one of the characters for fun. Oh god... This is what happens after you watch animes like Danganronpa and Tokyo Ghoul. XD.

Anyways, in conclusion;
Sorry for not updating.
Please give me an idea for the plot I have writers block.
Who should be Reader-chan's love interest?
And what the hell am I doing with my life?

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