People Change

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I woke up today really early.

You know why......

Because today is going to be HELL.

You know why because I have a final exam today and is Math. 

Zero and I been studying really hard, so I hope to pass.

So here I am sitting on the grass while studying for my exam.

The things that I know about Math are Add and Subtract, Multiplication, and to Solve. I'm really bad at it.

Well, I also know some of the things that Zero thought me.

Please God, send me an Angel to help me study.

"Why is this so hard!" I yelled.

"What is hard?" someone asked.

I looked up and I saw Kaname Kuran.

Since when Kaname Kuran is an Angel. God I think that you made a mistake....Well, if you send him.....Maybe it means that he change.

"This is hard" I showed him my notebook.

He sat down next to me.

"Math is hard" I added.

"I didn't think you were  dumb,_________" Kaname said while giving me a smile.

Is he serious!

"I'm not dumb, is just that Math is a little hard" I told him.

"If you say so" Kaname told me.

"Hey, Kaname. If you are really smart, can you help me study.  I have Math today" I said.

"Today is your final exam?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, pay attention" Kaname told me.

"Thanks" I replied.

Time passed and he help me study.

"Thanks for the help" I told him.

"What are you going to do if you pass the exams" he told me.

"What?" I said to Kaname.

"If you pass the exams, What are you planning to do" he asked.

"Well, I haven't thought of that" I replied.

"You and Zero are a couple now. Maybe you two want to live together but he is a vampire hunter and a vampire, and you are a human.  He might hurt you, if you two live together. It can be dangerous" he said.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't thought about living together. But if that happen,  I know that he wouldn't hurt me. But if we decide to go our separate ways then I need to accept it even though I know that I'm going to be hurt". I replied.

"I know that you were going to say that" he said.

"You know me well" I told him.

We stayed silent for just a couple of minutes. 

"Thanks, Kaname" I told him while looking at him.

"Why are you thanking me. I haven't done anything" he told me.

"That is why I'm thanking you" I replied.

He looked at me confused.

"You didn't say to the headmaster that you saw Zero and I in the village and you haven't done anything to make me hate or to stop loving Zero" I said.

He didn't say anything.

"You have change" I told him.

"How?" he asked.

"You were a scary person. You played with the people mind. You said weird stuff. You  thought that you own me. And you hit me,once" I told him.

"Sorry about that. I was in the darkness. I wanted to have things that I know that it was hard to get. I really didn't like Zero so I wanted to have those things that he loves. He loved Yuuki so I wanted to take her away from him but then you appear. He started to have feeling to you so I wanted to have you even though I knew that you wouldn't be mine. But then I started to like you, well that was what I thought. You became a obsession and I didn't want to let go of you but eventually I did. " he said while looking at the beautiful blue sky.

"Don't worry....Now you are different, you don't interfere in my relationship. You help me with Zero even though I know that you were hurt because I didn't like you. You want to keep me safe. ...I don't know why but you are like a big brother to me" I said while at the sky.

I stopped looking at the sky and I looked at him.

Kaname looked at me with a surprise face.

"Thanks, big brother" I told him while smiling at him.

"Hey! Don't be that surprise" I said to Kaname.

He smiled "You are so weird".

"I know. Well, I have to go. Wish me luck in my exam" I said while standing up.

"Good Luck" Kaname told me.

"Thanks, big brother" I told him while leaving.

I entered the school and I saw Zero looking at me.

"Hello" I happily said to him.

"Why are you so happy" he said.

"Because I had a nice conversation with Kaname and I'm with you" I replied.

"I knew it. I saw you with Kaname" he replied.

"Don't worry, Zero. I will never change you" I told him.

"I know. You are only mine" he told me while kissing my lips for three second.

I blushed, "Don't do that in front of people".

"Why? I like it" Zero told me.

We start walking. We entered the classroom. We sat down.

"_________, good luck. I know that you are going to pass the exam but if you don't, I'll make your life miserable for wasting my time" he said while looking dead serious.

"Zero, have faith in me. You are a great teacher, I know that I'm going to pass the exam" I replied.

The teacher entered the room.

"Today is your final exam. You are going to take Math first. Good luck because you are going to need it" the teacher happily told us.

"sigh" I think that I'm already in hell.

~~~Hi!. Sorry if I misspelled a word~~~

~~~Thanks Good Night~~~

~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover picture~~~

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