That's what I think

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   Zero left my room and I felt all alone. He just apologized to me and I felt really happy but my happiness left when my mind started to play with me. It’s told me that he just felt pity and the he really don’t care about me. That his apologized wasn’t real, it was a fake one. I felt frustrated and I just told him what I was feeling but I didn’t told him that I love him because I know that he is going to regret me and because he only love Yuuki and his heart will always be her.
         I sat on my bed and I look at the window. I was looking at the garden, those beautiful lilac flowers, iris flowers, and roses. I really want to see a black or blue rose but that color of rose don’t exist. I also was looking at the Sakura tree. It’s look beautiful when it’s move with the wind.
        I don’t know what happened to me that I just wanted to look at the Night Class building. I moved my vision and I looked at it. I just stared. I really want to look inside that building but they are all vampires. It could be dangerous. They might kill me. No they don’t, Kaname is always nice with you, he is not going to let anyone kill you. Maybe one day I will enter to that building.
        I woke up the next day and I went to class. Zero didn’t go to class. Maybe is because of what happened yesterday. I stared at Yuuki and I saw that her neck was cover. Did Zero bite her? Of Course he did. In the manga he always wants her blood and he always bite her. Then he feel bad about it and the next day he doesn’t come to class. I kept staring at Yuuki and I think that she knew what I was doing because she turned to look at me. I give her a small fake smile and she turned around. The class ended and I walked to her.

“Yuuki” I called her and my friends followed me.
“Hi _________, Blue, Star and Moon” she told us.

“Girls, can you stay outside. I need to talk to Yuuki, alone” I told them.
They nodded and they waited outside.
“It’s something wrong?” Yuuki asked me.
“What happened to your neck? Did a vampire bite you or what?” I told her.
She looked at me nervous and she get me a nervous laughed.
“W-What a-are y-y-you talking a-about? V-vampires don’t exist” she told me.
“I was kidding and Vampires do exists but I think that my friends and I are the only one that think that” I told her sounding serious.
“You do?” she told me.
“Anyway, have you seen Zero?” I asked her.
“What?” she told me confused.
“I didn’t saw him in class” I said to her.
“I thought that you didn’t care about him, I thought that you hate him” she said to me.
“I do care and I don’t hate him. He is the one that hate me” I said to her sounding a little sad.
“Then why are you asking if he is the one that hate you” she said.
“It’s just that something happened between us” I replied.
“What happened” Yuuki said.

        I looked at her and I told her everything that happened on my room. She just told me that it’s normal for him to skip class and also she told me to not worry about him. I opened the classroom door and my friends felt on the floor. Did they just listen to my conversation with Yuuki?
        It was time for the night class to go out of their building. My friends and I stayed were all the girls where. Yuuki and Zero were already there. Zero is early, that is just weird. We were in front of the line. We have microphone on our hand. The gates opened and the girls stared to scream “Kya Kya”. I looked at the Vampires Knight Class and I waves at them.

“Aidou – Sempai. marry me” one shouted.
“Ichijou, kiss me” a brown hair girl shouted.
“Kain, I like your hair” a tall girl shouted.
“Shiki, I love your quietness” a pale girl shouted.
“Kaname, you are perfect” two shouted at the same time.
        Oh Man! This girls remained me of Sakura from Naruto. She was a fan girl. She was all over Sasuke. Life, why you hate me this much, just kill me now so that I can escape this nightmare.
“Girls, are you ready” I told them.
“Of course we are ready” Moon told me.
“Okay, let’s go” I told them.

I moved the microphone near my mouth and I said “Excused me Ladies”
We walked to where the Vampire Knight Class were. We stopped in front of them.
“Hi guys” Star told them.
“Aidou, you were asking me what we were planning. This is what we were planning” I told him while smiling innocently.

“Annoying fan girls, what do you see in this guys” Blue told them.
“What are you talking about? They are perfect” many shouted.
“Shut up! Let’s us talk” Blue told them.
“Okay ________, please talk” Star told me.
I nodded.

“I know how you feel girls. Looked at them they are handsome and they have beautiful eyes. I personally like Aidou eyes. But let face it, they will never fall in love with any of you. You are stupid fan girls that only like them for their look. You don’t know them at all. Do you think that Kaname will fall in love with any one of you? Let me give you bad news, he only has eyes for Yuuki. Aidou is just a pervert that only cares about other things that you couldn’t understand. Shiki only love pocky. Kain is just mysterious, I kind like that about him. Ichijou is a gentleman. I will definitely go out with him, but they don’t have any interest in pathetic girls that only cares about their look and about what they might think about you. That really disgust me and also-” I was interrupted by Yuuki.
“_________ Stop” Yuuki told me with a serious voice.
“Let her express herself” Moon told her.
“Please” Star told her while giving her puppy dog eyes.

“I wasn’t finished talking. Also did you know that Kaname, Aidou and Zero want in a strange way or another want her. I mean what do Yuuki has that you girls don’t have because my friends and I really don’t care if they don’t have interest in us” I told them while standing between the Night Class and the Day Class.
“_________, Stop this at once” Zero told me while he take my arm, roughly.
I looked at him and I pushed him really hard.
“Don’t tell me what to do. You aren’t my father. Also girls if you have a crush on Zero. I have bad news for you, he is in love with Yuuki and he is an arrogant, emotionless person, cold hearted bastard that doesn’t care about anything on his stupid life and only hate Kaname” I told them while looking at Zero.

Zero was really shocked and he had a sad face.
“That is all. Have a good day people” I told them while leaving.
“Peace, we are out” Moon told them.
Zero POV:
It’s confirmed, ________ hates me now and that really hurt.

 ~~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover for this story~~~~

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