What is life?

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I really need to find Blue.  Where is she? Where is she?
I saw Blue talking with Kain.
 I saw Blue smiling
…..WAIT, Blue is smiling. No freaking way. The one that doesn’t show emotions to anyone only to us, her closer  friends.
Oh My God.
        Is she in love? Is she in love with Kain? She is in love with him, look at her, she is smiling. I need to make the- wait, he is a vampire and he is kind of loyal to Kaname. Maybe Kaname told him to make Blue fall in love with him {Kain}.……..That sneaky pureblood bastard. Kaname Kuran if you mess with Blue, I am going to destroy you and that is a promise. But maybe Kaname didn’t plan this; I am not sure so I need to find it out.
But they look cute together. I need to make them fall in love.
But first I need to talk to Blue first and then I need to infiltrate the Night Class Building.
        I walked to them. I grinned to Blue but I glared evilly at Kain so that he knows that if he is playing with Blue feelings, he would pay and I would destroy him.
“Blue, I need to talk to you” I told her.
She turned to look at me and her smiles disappeared. Maybe is because I was giving her pleading eyes.
“Okay. See you later Kain” she told him.
He nodded and he left.
That is just rude, he didn’t say Good Bye to me, maybe is because I glared evilly at him.
“What do you want to talk about?” she asked me.
“Can we talk in my room” I replied.
She nodded.
We entered to my room and we sat on the bed.
“What it is?” She asked.
“Eh…um, is about Kaname Kuran” I replied.
“What about him? Please do NOT tell me that you are falling in love with him” she said.
“Eww NO. I will admit that he is handsome and all but he is NOT my type” I answer.
She didn’t say anything so I keep talking. I told her about what happened on Saturday.
“That sneaky Bastard. Who does he think he is? That doesn’t mean because he is a pureblood, he need to be harsh and treat you that way” Blue kind of shouted.
“So, I was thinking that I want to infiltrate the Night Class building” I told her.
“What?! Are you crazy! They live in there, they will know that you are in there” She shouted at me.
“I know mom, but that is why I am going to do it at night because that is the hour that they take class. I have everything figure out” I told her.
“And how you are going to do that” she told me.
“With your help, friend” I answer.
“No” she replied.
“Why, Why, Why, why” I whined.
“STOP BEING A BABY, and I do NOT want to get myself kill” She told me.
I smirked Machiavelli.
“Why are you smirking like that” She said to me.
“Because if you do not help me, I will show a picture of you smiling at Kain” I told her. If she knew that I don’t have a picture.
“No, you don’t have one” she replied.
“Yes, I do. I have it on my phone. Don’t you remember that I had my phone when we fell on the big black hole” I replied.
“You wouldn’t dare” She replied. And she was worried.
“Yes, I would. Blue and Kain are kissi-” I was singing but she stopped me by covering my mouth with her right hand.
“Okay, I will help you. Happy” She told me and she was a little mad. I could tell by the tone of her voice.
“Yes I am” I told her while grinning like an idiot. Blue 0 win, __________, 1 win.

        It was the time to the Night Class to come out of their building. I told Blue to inform me when the Night Class come out. So that is why I am laying down on my bed next to Zero. Yep, you read right girls, Zero came early to my dorm and he told me that he didn’t want to patrol and I told him to enter and to lay down next to me and he did. I thought that he was going to protest but I guess I was wrong. Maybe I am changing him.
        We were looking at the ceiling. It’s so peaceful.  Just being next to each other make me happy. Just to be around him make me happy. Just to be friend with him make me happy. I am really in love with him and is really funny; I, a real person falling in love with someone that doesn’t exist.
“Hey” I said.
“Hey” he replied.
“Zero, what you think about life” I asked him.
“Why are you asking me that?” he asked.
“Because I want to know” I replied.
“I am not going to answer that question” he told me.
“Yes you will, now be a good best friend and answer my question” I demanded.
He sighed “Alright, I will tell you”.
“Yay” I cheered.
        “Life for me is Pain, Sadness, and Hatred. In this world, in this life, will always be PAIN because that is one way that we could survive. If you have PAIN in your life, you do not need to love. SADNESS is just a thing that will make you MISERABLE because you only think about SAD things, about how life slap you on the face to make your life MISERABLE, to make you world full of SADNESS. If you put SADNESS and PAIN together will create HATE. HATE about everything that happen on your life. About how people can’t live without HATRED on their heart. The HATE, one day will consume us and we will let it consume us. One day we will fall in to the DARKNESS full with SADNESS, PAIN, and HATRED. That is what I think about life”. Zero told me. While he looked at the ceiling.
I look at him and I told him “Zero, you are wrong”.
He looked at me.
        “Life for me is the beautiful thing in this world. Life for me is to born, to grow, to be happy with your love ones, if you don’t have a loved ones, then with your friends. You can replace pain with love. On an episode of Naruto Shippuden, Nagato once said “If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them”. If you feel pain, Zero, just tell me, I might not understand them but I will try, somehow. I will listen to you because that is what I can do for you. Because I care about you, Zero. If you ask me to become a soldier, to be like you, I will do it just for you. If you feel sad, just tell me because somehow I will change your sadness to happiness. Hate is really powerful but like Sebastian from Black Butler once said “Hatred and Sorrow are power. They are yours to control. All you have to do is turn them into strength, and use that strength to move forward”. I told Zero while I looked at him and he looked at me.

He was smiling maybe is because of what I told him.
“Who is Naruto Shippuden and Nagato? Who is Sebastian and what Black Butler Is?” Zero told me.
“Is a good anime and an awesome manga. You should read manga. But seriously think about what I told you” I said.
Zero put a hand on my left cheek “Thank You”.
Suddenly I saw Zero leaning in, slowly.
I froze.
I felt my face getting red.

OMG, OMG, is he going to do what I think what he is going to do. But he likes Yuuki and I’m just his best friend.
Who cares, is just a kiss.
Just A KISS. JUST A KISS. My crush is going to kiss me. He is going to be my first kiss.
Just 3, 2 centimeters from kissing.
Zero froze and I saw a lightly red on his cheeks.
        I thinks that he realized what he was doing because he get up really fast. And he walked to the door really fast and he left.
Blue entered my room.
“What happened to Zero?” she asked me.
“Nothing” I replied while I get off of my bed.
“Really, then why are you blushing” she said with a smirk on her face.

“Is really nothing. Did the Night Class students left?”  I asked her.
“Yes.” She answered.
“Well, is time to go. Wish me luck, Blue” I told her. While I walked to my door.
“_______, Please be careful” Blue told me.
“Don’t worry, I will” I left.
 ~~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover for this story~~~~

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