Not An Awesome Infiltration

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        I went outside of my room and I started to walk outside. I have 3 paints of spray can on a bag. I passed the garden. Somehow I passed the security guard, maybe I’m just lucky. I opened the door and I entered the night class building. I didn’t pay attention to the things that were inside, I just went upstairs.
Where I should I go, to the left or to the right.
I just want to go to Kaname room.
If I am correct, I have to go to the right and is the last door.
I kept walking. I wasn’t scared so that is a plus for me.
I saw the door and I opened it.
I just saw a normal room and a red sofa.
 Me being me, I walked to his bed and I laid down. This bed is so comfy. It’s like being on a cloud.

One day I will be back to this room and steal this king size bed.

 What I should  write on the wall. Oh! I know.


PEACE                                                                        STOP HUNTING ME     
                                                                                                                                                                            STOP HURTING ME
I PREFER TO FEEL COLD THAN RATHER BEING WITH YOU                                                                                                                                                                                         I DON’T LIKE YOU, YOU STUPID PUREBLOOD.

                GO MARRY YUUKI AND LEAVE ME ALONE.             LEAVE ME ALONE.

GO FIND A MAZE AND GET LOST IN IT.                                 I WILL BRING YOU HELL.                                                  GOOD NIGHT

STOP BEING SCARY.                                                                  I AM A SAINT AND YOU ARE THE SINNER.                BYE  ;)                 

Hehehe {Laughing evilly} “I didn’t get caught” I told myself.
“What did you say” a voice told me.

~~~~Meanwhile Zero P.O.V~~~
        I was patrolling around the Night Class Building. Suddenly I saw Kaname Kuran walking to the Night Class Dorms. Is he skipping class? I stopped and I sat down on the ground, facing the building. But then, _________ red face came in my mind. I started to think about what happened on her room.
        I can’t believe of what I was going to do in _________’s room. I really don’t know what happened to me, When she told me “Because I care about you, Zero. If you ask me to become a soldier, to be like you, I will do it just for you”. That make me really happy and I just kind of lost it. I started to feel my heart beating really fast like when you feel that you are going to have a heart attack. I looked at her lips and suddenly I want to feel it, to devour it.

Oh my god! I sounded like a pervert.

        My mind went blank and I just started to lean in, slowly. I saw her froze and her face becoming red by the second that I got closer to her. Just 2 centimeters between us but sadly to me and I don’t know why, someone knock at the door and that person was Blue. _________’s best friend. My mind went normal again. I saw that I was on top of her and she looked really REALLY surprise. I blushed, I was on TOP of her. What kind of friend I am….. I get off of her and I left. I really don’t know what happened to me. I love Yuuki, I really do but when I am around _________, I become a different person. I show her my emotions, well a little. I laugh, smile and sometimes I even blushed. But what if ________ learn about my secret. Will she regret me and hate me? Yes, she will. She will think that I am a monster and sadly I am.

~~~Zero P.O.V END~~~

I turned around and I froze.
“Why are you laughing like a mad woman” the male told me.
“K-Kaname” I said in a low voice.
 Oh s***, I am in a big trouble.
“Yes” he answered.
“Here” I throw him the bag with the cans. He dodged it and I started to run to the door. But Kaname stopped me by putting his hand on my left wrist. He turned me around to face me. He walked me to the wall that I painted.
I let go of his grip.
“What is the meaning of this” he told me with a dangerous voice.
“What are you talking about? I don’t see anything” I answered.
I took three step back and my back hit the wall.
“Don’t play dumb with me, _________. It’s all written on my wall. 'Go find a maze and get lost in it’. ‘Have an awesome day’. What are you? A child. 'I don’t like you, you stupid pureblood'. I really like the last one that I just read” Kaname told me while smirking. 
I think he is getting angry.
I didn’t say anything.
“Talk to me” he demanded while taking two steps towards me.
I move my head to indicate him ‘No’.
He sighed.
“Why did you do that”, he demanded.
“Because I-I want to m-mess with you” I answered.
“Mess with me?! Why? I am a good friend, _________” he answered.

My Bravery Mode returned to me.
“If you are a good friend then why don’t you leave me alone? You have Yuuki, why don’t you and her left this school, it will be for the best” I answered him with a serious voice.
“Leave you alone…” he said.
“Yes, Kaname, leave me alone. I don’t want to be your friend anymore” I raise my voice.
Kaname smirked evilly.
He put a hand on my left cheek and I froze because of fear.

He is really scary.
“Too bad _________, you are my friend and that is an order” he demanded.
“No, you can’t obligate me” I shouted.
        I saw that Kaname raise his hand and he hit my left cheek. I can’t believe that Kaname Kuran just hit a woman…..I felt tears down my face. It really hurts. I put my hand on my cheek and I felt liquid.

I looked at my hand and I saw blood.

I panicked.
Kaname smile and he trace a finger on my bleeding cheek and then he tasted it.
“Taste like roses and I like that” Kaname whispered.
I didn’t say anything.
“Now, __________, you are going to be my friend because you are my trophy, you belong with me. You and Yuuki belong with me. And besides I don’t want Zero to have what is mine. I know that you like Zero, is all written on your face but if you don’t want Zero know about your little concert, you will talk to me and respect me.” Kuran ordered me.
I pushed him and I left his room. I began to run because I don’t want to be near him.
~~~Zero P.O.V~~~
         I heard the Night Class door opened. I smell blood. I started to feel uneasy. I started to breath rapidly. I started to sweat. I was going to leave but then I saw a girl with (H/C) haired running out the Night Class building. The girl was crying but why is she crying. Did Kaname Kuran do something to her?
~~~Zero P.O.V END~~~

~~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover for this story~~~~

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