Broken Kiss

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He just looked at me and I smile at him.
        I put my right hand on his right cheek and he sighed, closed his eyes and then he open it. He put his hand on top of my right hand. He looked at my eyes.
I leaned in slowly, so that he wouldn’t notice what I was going to do.
I kissed him.
I kissed him so that he knows that he's mine and my only monster.
         I can’t believe that my first kiss was with my anime crush, that’s every girls dream to kiss your anime crush {I would also definitely kiss Hei from Darker than Black, Gaara, Itachi, Sebastian, The Undertaker, Ichigo, Byakuya, and more anime crush that I have, . Sorry girls if you anime crush is written in here but they all mine} and seeing him or her in real life.
        I kissed his lips and they were soft like a cotton candy. I got scared because he wasn’t kissing back and when I thought to stop kissing him, Zero started kissing me back. I was really surprise, he kissed back. His lips tasted like vegetable soup…..Wait?! Was he eating his favorite meal?
        I looked at his eyes and they were closing, slowly and I started to close mine. Suddenly, Zero stopped kissing me. I opened my eyes and I saw him turning around. I got worried. Maybe he don’t like the kiss? Am I a bad kisser? Maybe I am, after all, this was my first kiss.
“Zero” I called his name.
"This shouldn't happen" He told me.
“I….I” I didn’t know what to say.
I looked at the floor.
I felt my tears running down my face. I felt sad, ashamed, and a little angry.
“I didn’t mean to kiss back” He told me while facing me.
“I-I understand, Z-Z-Zero” I told him while looking at him.
He noticed that I was crying. He hugged me “I’m sorry, _________ but I like someone else”.
I pushed him, gently.
“Why are you sorry?!. I know that you like that wanna be brownie. It’s my fault…..I shouldn’t have done that. But get this on your mind, I really like you Zero. I love you with all my heart even though I know that you don’t love me back” I said to him while trying to remove those annoying tears off my face.
He just had a surprise face.
I opened his door “Just remember this, you were my first kiss”.
        I left running to my room. I laid down on my bed. I started to cry again. I really love him but he loves that wanna be Yuuki. My heart really hurt so much. It’s like is shatter into thousand pieces. Each piece representing sadness, rejection, anger, frustrated, and specially broken like a broken soul.  
        I really don’t know what to do right now……Oh! I know, I won’t give up and I will make Zero jealous but I need someone to play along with me, but who? I only can think of someone and that someone is Kaname Kuran. He will help me {I hope}.

Meanwhile Zero P.O.V.
        I felt confused when I saw _________ leaning in, slowly. What was she trying to do?, that was I thought but when I felt her soft lips kissing mine, I felt surprise and I didn’t do anything. I didn’t kiss her back but when something crossed my mind and it’s told me to kiss her and I did. I felt my heart beating really fast but why is ________ causing this to me.
         To tell you the true, that was my first kiss but then my mind told me to stop because I wanted to save my first kiss for Yuuki, so I stopped kissing her and I turned around so that I couldn’t see her face, her reaction.
            When I told her “this shouldn’t happen”, my heart started to hurt. I turned around and I saw her crying and that broke me even more so I hugged her and I told her “I’m sorry but I like someone else”, I felt that I was lying to her. I felt guilty.
        But when she told me that I was her first kiss. I felt happy but sad because I made her crying. Why I always make her cry?
Zero P.O.V END

~~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover for this story~~~~

Save My Heart {Zero x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora