Chapter 2; Not That Bad...?

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Vincent PoV:

               I sure did scare Scott. He seems like he scares easily, so I really didn't need to do much. I bring him into the cave, out of the rain. Hopefully his clothes and hair dry quickly, maybe I can get him to hand up his jacket and shirt, because it looks like they're just sopping. I release him, and his breathing is really shaky. "Are you cold?" I ask. He nods, and I go and fetch a blanket for him. "You know, you might warm up a bit if you take off that sopping jacket." He nods slowly, sliding it off along with his bag. I drape the blanket over his small form, and he tightly wraps it around himself. He's still shaking, even after a while of having the blanket around him. "Scott, you're still freezing. I'm going to help." I wrap myself gently around him, pulling him in to rest on my chest. He flushes a faint pink, but I didn't intend to do anything like that... yet. The shaking stops eventually, and he thanks me quietly. "Heh, you're welcome, Scotty." He seems slightly annoyed of the nickname, but doesn't say anything against it. This is sort of nice, I have to admit. I don't actually think I'll eat him; he's really not that bad.

               The struggling and trudging through the rain must have really tired him out. "Why don't you rest for a bit, Scotty?" He nods groggily and lays his head on my chest. I stroke his hair, being careful with my claws. "Mnn~" Scott makes a sort of noise as he falls asleep. I smile, as he starts softly snoring. He's really a very sweet human, much unlike the others I've encountered. Nobody encountered them ever again, let's leave it at that, heheh... The only reason, of course, being they tried to pick a fight with me. My life was on the line...and I was sort of hungry... But the second part isn't important. Nagas are no longer common in this forest; I'm the only one left. You have to defend yourself, from both the dwellers of the forest and outsiders. A violent behavior is really a necessity in this environment. But I have a feeling it won't be necessary with Scott. He shifts in his sleep, wrapping his arms around me. Now it's me whose cheeks flush, even more apparent against my purple skin. Maybe a nap will be good for me as well. I'll go and get food for us when I wake up....

*time skip via the Limon God*

               I suppose I'll be waiting to go get food, since I woke up before Scott. He has a pretty tight grip on me as well, so that's another reason. It'd be rude to wake him, especially since I don't know how long we both slept. Maybe he'll wake up soon, though, and then I can go and get some food for us. I don't know how he feels about fresh meat, so fruit will do. Mice for me, of course. It may not seem like a lot, but in bulk they fill me up. It's better than eating Scott, isn't it? Thought so... Anyways, at least I get to plan ahead while he's resting. He deserves rest, with the scare I gave him. It's a wonder he didn't wake up before, what with the storm still raging. Great, now I'll be sopping wet again. Oh well, my body temperature is higher than a human's, and I usually dry quickly. Scott begins to stir, and he looks up at me. "How long did I sleep?" he asks. "Hell if i know, I was asleep for a little while too." "Oh," he says abruptly. I release him, now that he's well rested and all warmed up. "I'm going to go and get some food for us, alright? Stay in here, where you're warm and dry." He nods, and I get up, slithering out into the rain. The fruit's usually plentiful not far from here, and so are the mice. Oh yes, we'll both be well fed tonight.

*I got too excited and did two in one day. Mostly because next week is going to be hell for me. Anyways, like before, I hope you enjoyed! ^-^ and there will most likely be another update or two tomorrow. Bye!*


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