Chapter 7; Nightmares

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Just a note, the next chapter WILL be where the other characters come in I promise! :3 

Scott PoV:

               Vincent had began to fall asleep, which he deserved after running to help me. I laid against him, hearing his steady heartbeat, his slow breathing indicating that he had, in fact, fallen asleep. I love him so much. I snuggle into him a bit, deciding we both need a little sleep.

               I'm running. I'm running and I don't know why, but it's as if my life depends on it. Where am I? And more importantly, where am I going? My legs are so weak, they could give out at any second, but I feel I have to keep going. The forest is recognizable,at least, but that's about it. "Scotty~?" I hear, recognizing Vincent's voice. "Where the HELL are you..?!" He's who I'm running from? what did I do to make him so angry? "I'm only a bit hungry, don't you want to help me..?" No, no I fucking don't! He loves me, why would he eat me..? I don't have time to think about this. "Found you!" Vincent growls. I hear him crashing along behind me, and I try to speed up, but I just can't. He jumps on me, pinning me to the ground. "V-Vincent, please! I-I love you, please d-don't do this!" I whimper, my fingers digging into the soil. "Oh, I love you too, Scott. But isn't love putting someone else's needs before your own..? Aren't you supposed to sacrifice for the other..?" I feel his tail around my mid-section, whimpering loudly as he gets back up, dragging me with him.

-Vore Warning!- (Vore is being eaten alive, so please don't read if that severely freaks you out.)

               I struggle as much as my strained body will allow, as I hear a dreadful snapping sound. Tears have long since been streaking down my face, now that I know he's really going to do this. I look up at him, to see his jaw unhinged. "V-Vincent, I love you... P-Please don't do th-this..!" I sob. He doesn't reply, he only lifts me up, taking my legs into his mouth. "V-Vincent, please, stop..." I say, feeling some of his tail release me, having my whole bottom half submerged in his mouth. I try to escape by any means possible, but all I do is cut my hand on his teeth. Up to my chest now, his serpent tongue licking any bare skin it can. "V-Vincent!!" I scream, as he leans back, the rest of me sliding into his mouth. I cry even more, hearing his jaw snapping back into place. "L-Let me out! Let. me. OUT!" I say, pushing against the inside of him. "Mm, I love feeling you struggle," he purrs. I don't want to be awake when I die. My vision is blurring anyways, so what's the point? "I love you Scotty, forever and always..." Is the last thing I hear, before everything goes black.

(Vore's over with.)

               I bolt upwards, bawling my eyes out. "Scott..?" Vince asks sleepily. I look over, jumping a bit. "It w-was just a n-nightmare, Vince. I'll be al-alright..." He obviously isn't buying it. "Seems like it was quite the nightmare," He says, sitting up and gently wrapping his arms around me. "You're shaking..." He says. It was all so vivid, so real... "What was this 'nightmare' about?" Vince asks soothingly. "I-I don't want to talk about it." How can I tell the person I love it was about him? I can't and I won't. "Alright, well I'm at least going to stay up with you, till you calm down." I nod weakly, as he pulls me onto what would be his lap. "It's alright, none of it was real, none of it would ever happen," Vince says, gently nuzzling my neck. He's right, isn't he? He would never do something like that, it was just a 'what if' I suppose. Nagas are, in fact,  known for that sort of thing. "I know, it's just, it seemed so realistic-" "That's the point, it's supposed to scare you. It's not real, it'll never be real, I promise you, Scotty.~" i start to relax, the fear begins to fade. I know I'm safe here, as long as I've got him. As long as I've got him, I've got everything I could ever need. 

Vince PoV:

               My poor Scotty, it must have been an awful nightmare. He's calmed down now, much better compared to the sobbing, shaking mess he was before. I'm glad I was able to help him; it's never been a strong suit for me. I eventually scoop him up, rocking him ever so slightly, humming some nonsense tune. It works, he's begun to go to sleep once more. He needs it, with the number that wolf did on him. Hopefully it's a sound sleep from now on, no more nightmares disrupting it. He was terrified, and yet he won't tell me what the nightmare was about..? Maybe I'll ask in the morning, when I know he's fully rested. I don't even care if I don't get back to sleep; He's worth it. Perhaps I can show him the pond tomorrow, so he can bathe and clean his tattered clothes. Yes, that will be good, but there's still the matter of new clothes for him. He could always go back home and get some, but I fear he won't come back to me. What a petty little fear, of course he'll come back..!! Most of those in his town probably think he's dead. It's better that way, I suppose; nobody coming and disturbing the animals... or me. I still don't have the heart to tell him that I killed his friend... I don't know what he'd do to me if he knew. But it was before we even knew each other, so he couldn't be that mad... I hope. I look down at him, now realizing I've never seen him angry. I don't know if I'd want to, especially now with that sword... I'm crazy, I'm only thinking such things to pass time. Yeah, that's it, just thoughts to occupy my mind while my Scotty rests. 

So that was my first attempt at vore, hopefully I didn't do too terribly. Also, the updates will hopefully occur more often, so this book actually progresses. I'm wondering if I should start another bok, like JereMike, or JereCent? Which one should I pick? Let me know⇩down⇩there!           Till next time, Vince~

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