Chapter 14; Contemplation

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Vincent PoV:

            Apparently Scott brought a friend along with him. The man stood there, holding his ground and glaring at the both of us. "If you were smart, you'd take your chance and leave now. I happen to be hungry, and short-tempered. I wouldn't mind making a meal of you." I smirk as his eyes widen. "What hapened to being nice?" he questions, backing up a little. "Well, Love, you're in my forest. I can kill you if I want. You're treading on thin ice, my friend." If he goes back, though... He could rat us out. "I'm letting you go, you idiot! Why don't you just go back in one piece...Instead of many..." I release Scott, beginning to move towards my snack. "Y-Youre hurt..." the man stutters. "Hell yeah I am! Did you not notice? Why else would he have gone into town to buy bandages and  ointment! You fuckers attacked us, that's why I'm 'hurt'!" I growl, baring my teeth at the man, who falls to the ground. I move back though, holding my head. "Now I've got a headache... Gah, I should just eat you and be done with it..." He suddenly finds his voice again, though he's still stuttering. "P-People would know I w-was gone..!" I grin, my voice lower than before. "Are you sure? The man who wandered into the forest and died, out of his own ignorance? Would that be someone to remember?"  He whimpers, scooting backwards as I advance on him. "Now, you have ONE last chance, before I swallow you whole...FRIEND. GET OUT." He shoots upright, running clear out of my line of sight.

Scott PoV:

            Okay, Vincent just scared the shit out of me. He didn't even act that way when he first found me! What the fuck was that? Maybe he's just hungry... Good thing we have a decent supply of food at home. "Serves him right, trying to take you and me on," Vincent says, pulling me into an embrace. I blush a bit, returning the hug. I'm really glad I didn't have to see Vincent eat that guy... eugh. "Did anyone else notice you?" Vincent asks. "Well, one other person.. But I've known them forever, so I don't think it's a big deal." He nods, giving me a soft kiss on the forehead. "I-I got the bandages too, so we can change them out soon..." I follow in behind him as he goes back into the cave. "Scott? I'm uh, sorry if I scared you.." I crack my neck, taking off my jacket and hanging it up. "Nah, it's fine...You did what you had to do, and it worked, so whatever, right?" He nods, seeming to relax a bit. "Now, let's see how you're healing, yeah?" He sits down, being patient with me while I gently remove his bandages. "There's going to be some pretty ugly scarring, but it'll heal fine." I take the ointment out, beginning to apply it generously to his wounds. I do a pretty good job with the bandages, too, so I'm proud of that. "Heh, thanks, Doctor~" Vincent purrs, kissing me softly on the lips. I blush, smiling and leaning against him, though I'm careful not to fuck up my 'handiwork'. "I'm repaying you for patching me up," I say, "We've saved eachother now." He smiles faintly. "Yeah, you're right. In more ways than one." Aww, how corny of him.

            "Well, what now?" I ask quietly. "Now? We wait to see if that idiot rats us out." He'd better not, he'd probably be sending Vincent free food. Not that I'd be compaining, but he might make a mess of them. Swallowing them whole would be bad enough. "If he does?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "If he does, they'll more than likely send another group in to find us." Well he definitely in't in shape for that, so I'll have to learn how to maneuver this sword better; what else do I have it for, after all? "I think you'll have a meal lined up for you if that happens." He laughs softly, a smile on his face. "Yeah, I guess so." I can hear him sigh contentedly. "I'll hopefully be hungry when it happens. I'm a bit more violent when I'm hungry, in case you  haven't already noticed." I nod, cracking my neck; so it's when, not if. Hard to believe though, as scared as that guy was, that he'd still ignore the threat; more a promise than a threat. "Well, we'll have to be ready, huh? After all, I have to learn to use this weapon a bit better." I take it out and spin it in my hand; I just impressed myself. "Well be careful!" Vince says. I nod, noticing his unease, and put it away. "Heh, sorry about that." I rub the back of my neck. "Do that when you know how to use it better." Guess he's right. I sigh and sit down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

            "Vincent? What if this doesn't stop?" I ask, letting out a sigh. "I..I don't know, we can't just keep this up, as much as I'd like to... Maybe you'd be safer if-" "Don't even finish that sentence. I know what you're going to say. Please don't leave me behind, Vince." I know, I know, I sound like a sick puppy. But he's crazy if he thinks I'll just let him go on his own. Even if he is a Naga, he's still just one person...person-ish. "But your home is here, Scott." Correction; my home was there, back in that small little town. "Well it's time I grow up. I don't have to stay here. We're going to be in this together." He opens his mouth, probably to argue more, but closes it and sighs. "I'm not changing your mind, am I?" "No way in Hell." He growls softly and hugs me. "You really are stubborn, and it's a double-ended sword sometimes, you know that?" I smile and nod. "Of course I do. But I got that from you." He laughs softly, nuzzling my face. "Heh, alright, it's starting to get dark. We should rest soon, alright? We might need it, either way.." I mutter something in agreement, a bit of dread clouding my thoughts. It might get so much worse. What if they follow us? What the hell will we do then? Vince seems to notice, and he gets up to get a couple blankets; It's starting to warm up a bit, but slowly. "C'mon, Scott, we'll think it over tomorrow, when we're more clear-minded." I accept the blanket he holds out, wrapping it around myself. "O-Okay.." 

            As I fall asleep (using Vincent's shoulder as a pillow), I glance towards the cave's opening. 'I wonder where we'll go, if worse comes to worse.' I was also silently hating the fact that this might be our last peaceful night for a while. 

*Okay, I hate myself for letting this book go again. I hate myself for making promises that I can't keep. I can't say how bad I feel about this. I am so sorry, from the bottom of my heart......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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