Chapter 3; Crush..?

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Scott PoV:

               I suppose this won't be that bad. Vince can be scary but he's nice, too. The only time he's mean or threatening towards me is when I don't do what I'm told. It's understandable, because who wouldn't be irritated if someone didn't listen? Vince has never injured me, and I'm definitely happy about that. Hopefully it stays that way, I don't think I've given him a legitimate reason to harm me. I'm glad that he was generous enough to warm me up before he left, the blanket seems to be retaining the heat quite well. I'll give it to him when he gets back though, he'll need it more than me. He's so sweet, I can't get over it. I feel my cheeks heat up, and I realize it's because of Vincent. I, I can't like him like that, can I? Oh god, I think I do... How, though? I've never thought of him in that way, up until now. Now I can't push the thought from my mind, no matter how hard I try. He is attractive, that fact is undeniable... He's also got such a kind heart, despite how he masks it. How will I tell him; I'm so bad at this kind of thing.... I'll figure it out before he returns.

Vince PoV:

               I'm actually glad it's raining, because I know where all the mice like to hide. That, and it keeps the animals away from the fruit I'm looking for. I get a whole basket of it, and a separate little thing for my treat. I don't think Scotty would enjoy eating fruit that had dead mice on it... or even near it. Once I've filled the basket to it's breaking point, and it's very heavy. I get back on the path, and start back towards home. "Home," I mutter. I actually call it that, because I have someone who makes it home for me. I enjoy Scott's company, and I care about him very much. D-Does this mean I like him? I'm pretty sure it all adds up. I've never loved another being before, I didn't think it was important before. Now, I can't shake the feeling. Oh well, I'm proud to finally have feelings for someone. If he feels the same in return, then it'll just be wonderful. I head home, grinning like a complete idiot. Not like I care; I don't think any creature in this forest would dare ask why. Well, maybe one; Mike, usually flanked by Jeremy and Fritz. He's bigger than me, and more than likely stronger. He sort of hates me. Just because I tried to eat Fritz... a long time ago, okay?! Yeesh... Anyways, I'm coming up on the cave, trying to figure out how to tell Scott how I feel...

Scott PoV:

               I smile as Vincent returns to the cave, with a heavily laden basket in his arms. "Wow, you went all out," I say, smiling at him. He rubs the back of his neck. "Well, I figured we may as well have a decent supply if the weather gets worse." It's understandable, wanting to be prepared. "Hey um, what's in the bag?" He looks down at it, and says, "That's for me, I figured you wouldn't want the two to get mixed up." I nodded; mice and fruit just... eugh. Wow, he's drenched; I feel bad. I put the blanket over his shoulders, despite his protests. "No, No you need it-" he starts. "No I don't, you're the one who's sopping wet now." I pushed back his wet bangs, which were plastered to his face. I'm about to drop my hand, when he takes it in his, causing me to flush pink. "Wh-Wha..?" I ask. He smiles softly at me. It's not like I'm complaining, since I do have feelings for him. He pushes the basket away, pulling me in close to him. Don't tell me he feels the same way, it'd just be too good to be true. I feel is arm wrap around me ,and I lay my head against his chest. His heartbeat is sort of lulling, relaxing me a bit. "Scotty, I th-think I love you..." That sure did snap me back to reality. "R-Really?" I stammer, a feeling of pure joy welling inside me. "Yes, Scotty." He releases my hand, and combs through my hair with his. "Well then, I love you too...~"

*I was so happy while writing this! ^u^ Also sorry it's sort of sweet and not like action packed or anything. But when I write stuff like that it goes too far... o.o Also, make sure to leave a suggestion for the next chapter! x3 Talk to you again soon!* 

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