Chapter 13; Risks...?

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Vincent PoV:

            I've managed, gladly, to push that dream to the back of my mind. Hopefully it stays there, dormant for a while. I've probably seemed like a whimp the past few days, now that I think about it. Ugh, I can't help it, the dream got to me. Not many things do, I guess that's why I was so concerned. I wrap my arms around a crying Scott. "I-I was so worried th-that you were d-dead, Vincent, you have n-no idea..!" I sigh softly, running my hand through his hair, kissing his forehead. "I'm sory I scared you, Scotty. I just didn't want you getting hurt-" He looks up at me, allowing me to gently wipe the tears from his eyes. "Hey, don't tell me you really thought I was going down without a fight." He shakes his head, the faintest smile playing on his lips. "I-I know you wouldn't, I was just scared. What's worse is that I didn't even know what to do to try and help you, other than treat all your wounds." I kiss him softly on the lips. "You know what? It's the greatest thing you could've done in that situation. I'm lucky to have someone like you." I smile when that strawberry red color creeps onto his face. "V-Vincent, thank you...I'm lucky too, because I have you in my life. I wouldn't have it any other way." 

            I smile and hug him tightly, cringing as my wounds protest the action. "Vince, you've got to be careful." I sigh and nod, drawing back a bit. "So, what do we do now?" Scott shook his head. "You mean what will I be doing..?" My eyes widened, before I rolled them. "No, I--" "Don't try and argue. They know you're here now, so I have to protect you." He has to protect me?! "Scott, I think I can handle myself, after I heal up, of course." Scott sighs and runs his hand through my hair. "I just can't talk you out of anything, can I?" I smile faintly and shake my head. "Nope, I'm too damn stubborn." He buries his face in the crook of my neck, gently kissing it there. "Scotty~" I purr softly. He pulls back, his face a bright pink. "Don't even think about it, Vincent. I don't want you to get hurt more than you already are." Damn. It was worth a shot. "I'll neeed to change those bandages in a couple days," Scott says, changing the subject, "But since we're out, I'll have to go back into town and-" "No, Scott, you don't need to do that..! I-I'll be fine, I promise..!" I don't want him going back to that village, now that those damned hunters know wherewe are. "Relax, Vince, I'll be alright, okay? It's just a quick in and out trip, I'll wear my hood if it makes you feel any better." 

            I nod a small bit; at least the hood will obscure his face. "Alright then, I'll go and get a few things and then I'll be on my way." His hand gently brushes my cheek. "Don't worry too much, okay? I know that place like the back of my hand." I sigh deeply and nod again. "Just... just be careful." He smiles warmly. "I will, Vinny, don't worry about me~" He pulls a couple blankets over me, kissing me softly. 
"I'll be back by this afternoon." I look down in my lap, hearing his footsteps grow fainter; bad luck to watch him leave. 

Scott PoV:

            He seemed really worried about me. He acts like I'm not supposed to be worried about leaving him alone..! Ugh...When did I become the clingy type? Oh yeah, when the people from my town decided to charge in and nearly kill him. "Assholes..." I mutter. At least I've left relatively early, so I'll be back in no time. I remember Vincent's warning, so I tug my hood over my head. "S-Scott..?" I turn around to see small, adorable himself..?! "Jeremy, Mike's going to--" He shakes his head. "M-Mike knows. I c-can be v-very convincing, y-you know." I nod, watching him look around for a minute. "Oh! S-Sorry... B-But, you aren't a-actually going back to th-that village, a-are you..?" I sigh softly; how was I supposed to know he'd be around..? "I-I have to. Vince is pretty beat up, I need to go and get some gauze for him..." Jeremy nods a small bit, looking up at a fruit hanging from a tree branch. I can't help but laugh at the look on his face. "Here," I say, reaching up and grabbing a few of them. His emerald green eyes light up when I hold them out to him. "Thank you!" he says, grabbing two and taking the other in his mouth. "Bye!" he says, through a mouthful of fruit. "Heh, bye, Jeremy..!" 

            I turn on my heel, walking out of the forest; tugging down on my hood a bit more for good measure. "I just need...." I trail off, looking around for what might be my destination. People shoot looks at me, but I don't think they saw my face....hopefully, eheh. I look for a certain little building... Aha! It still has the red cross I painted hanging above the door. I take a deep breath, rolling my shoulders before heading straight for the place. I know the people who own this place really well... They were friends with my parents, before..yeah. I pull open the door, a familiar bell chime ringing above me. "Well, hello sir..!" a small, older woman exclaims. I clear my throat, deepening my voice. "Uh, yes, hello..." she looks at me strangely for a moment. "Hm... Alright, sir, what can I do for you..?" Another deep breath; keep it the fuck together..!! "I just need some gauze... and some antibiotics, if you have them..." She grimaces a bit. "Injuries, then.." I nod, looking around at how little the place changed. "Well, here you are, anything else for you..?" My eyes fall on a bowl of little candies... Hell, I remember those..! I grab a handful, placing them in a bag. "Sir, I have to count--" 

            "Nonsense. You shouldn't have to count them." She looks a bit taken aback. "The money I have will more than cover it all." Her expression softens a bit. "but you need change, don't you?" I wave her off, smiling. "Keep it. It's just money, after all." She looks at the money, then at me. "Okay, Sir, if that's what you want...Wait a minute...I knew someone who always overpaid for everything...Scott, that was his name.." I can't help tensing up a small bit. "No... Y-You're not him, are you...?" I sigh softly; I've known her all my life, and she can keep a secret... I slide my hood down off my head. "O-Oh.. my god.." she says quietly. "Hi, Lou." she hugs me before I even know she's moved. "They all said you were dead--!" I run a hand through my hair. "They're supposed to. It's better that way. You're the only one who knows I'm not dead. Please, don't tell anyone...."She nods a bit, hugging me again. "I'm just glad to know you're okay..." I laugh nervously, hugging her back a bit. "Well, if you're presumed dead, you had best be leaving! Anyone could walk in and find out, yeah?" I rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, you're right... It was really good seeing you..." I cringe internally when she flashes that smile again. "You as well, Dear...Now, go on..!" 

            I nod, shoving the items in my bag, latching it and pulling my hood back up. I push open the door, only to run into someone. "Gah!" they exlcaim, their voice deep and raspy. "My apologies, Sir--" I say, slipping past him and out the door. I try to maintain a normal pace, even though I feel eyes on me. "Sir..?" I stop, not turning around. "Y-Yes..?" "I haven't seen you before... You look kind of suspicious with your hood drawn like that. Mind taking it off..?" I sigh heavily. This person could know me! What'll I do then? "I'm afraid  can't sir, I've got quite a nasty injury. That's why I've bought the bandages and ointment." "Yes, but I must insist-" "I-I can't, I'm sorry..!" I walk away, speeding up till I'm running. I can hear the man's voice behind me, but I'm not listening to what he's saying.I crash through the bushes till I'm in the forest, running in the direction of the cave. "V-Vincent!" I yell. He slithers out into the clearing, catching me and wincing as he does so. I hang onto him tightly, seeing the man approach out of my peripheral vision. "Monster-" "He is NOT a monster." I hug him tightly, kissing his bandages. "He's nice, and sweet...Now, go AWAY. Before I deal with you myself." 

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