Chapter 9; Sick Scotty

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The picture has nothing to do with the chapter :P

Vince PoV:

               "I told you not to go out in the rain again, Scott...!" I say, half-scolding. "I'm sorry, but it didn't seem that bad..." I sigh, putting my vest on him and wrapping him in blankets. "Well you came back soaked and chilled to the bone again, now didn't you?" He sniffles and nods, nuzzling the blankets. I press my hand against his forehead. "Well, you've gotten yourself sick." He groans and flops to the side, buried in blankets. "Oh shut it. I don't know if I have anything to give you..." I say, rummaging around for that damned first-aid kit. There's gotta be basic.... basic antibiotics, or something, right..? I finally find the thing, accidentally breaking it in half when I 'open' it. There's a bunch of pill bottles, but I don't really know what they're for. "Er, i found a few things, I just don't know what the right one is." He takes them and looks them over, handing back three and keeping one. I glance at the label. "I...Ibuprofen?" I ask, causing him to nod. I hand him some water so he can take them, going to put the others away somewhere. I hear him coughing, deciding to go and snuggle him for a bit. I lay down and pull him towards me, brushing his neck with my lips and wrapping my arms around him. "I-I don't want to get you sick-" he starts. "I'll be fine, Scotty.~" He smiles a bit and leans into me, while I softly kiss his neck. "Maybe once I'm better..?" he says quietly. He... actually just, agreed to it? "Well, of course Scotty.~"

Scott PoV:

               Okay, I know, I said there 'would be no next time'. But, I mean, we are in a relationship... Maybe it'll be better now that mating season is over? Now that he won't go as rough, at least? Yeah, it'll be much better... More enjoyable. I probably sound like a pervert. Whatever, I know I'm not, so it doesn't really matter. He seems in the mood for it now, but I'm sick and a bit weak, and it wouldn't be enjoyable for either of us. So yes, when I'm better, then... yeah. (*eyebrow wiggle* SMUT soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) "I have an idea... Maybe I can heat some of those berries, sort of like tea or something?" Vince asks. I don't know if that's how it works, but I nod. "That'd be lovely, Vinny~" I purr, absolutely loving the neck attention I'm getting. "Mm, okay, I'll go do that for us," he says, as I gently slide off of him. The berries he's referring to are what I brought back from my trip out into the pouring rain again. They aren't poisonous, and they actually taste really good. I sit and wait for a bit, snuggling Vince's vest more than the blankets; it smells so nice. (That's me though xD) Vince returns with two mugs I took from my home, filled with warm, magenta-colored juice. "Thank you, Vinny," I say, the warmth from the mug heating me up right away. "You're very welcome. now, back to cuddling~" 

               We resume our cuddling, with me resting on his chest, sipping my drink. It's really good, it was a smart idea to make it. Vincent softly bites the lobe of my ear, causing me to blush a bit. "My poor sick baby," Vince says, resting his head on my shoulder. "Heh, I'll be alright, Vinny," I reply, reaching my hand up and running my fingers through his soft purple hair. He purrs deeply, and I continue to tangle my fingers in his hair. Turning my head a bit, I gently kiss Vince's cheek. "Aww, no lips~?" he whines. "Hey, I don't need you sick, too..!" I say, nuzzling his face with mine. "Oh fine, Scotty." He kisses at the base of my neck, even gently biting; though not enough to be considered sexual or teasing. "I love you so much, Vinny~" I feel his lips rise into a smile. "I love you too, Scotty, with all my heart.~" I smile myself, feelings of unease from my sickness drifting away for a little while. "I feel a little better," I say, again bringing his vest up to my face to cuddle it. "Well I'm glad, Love~" he says, still purring adorably. "You look tired," Vince says quietly. No, I'm, I'm alright," I reply, stifling a yawn. "Sure, you're so believable," Vince laughs softly, receiving an eye roll from me. I just continue sipping from my cup, and Vince sets his down on the floor. "We'll have to do that again, huh?" I ask, smiling. "Yes, we definitely will, Scotty."

*Okay, I am so very sorry for the hiatus, so to speak. I just have a lot of things on my mind and it gets all jumbled up in my head and confuse me even more so than I already am. So, I apologize, and again, I will try to update as much as possible! It's not exactly in any timely manor, or schedule, or anything like that. But it gets done, and you guys get to read more. See you next time, Loves! ~Vince

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