Chapter 11; Good Things Don't Last

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I am so sorry for not updating again I feel awful :( I'm a bad author chan... But here is this new chapter for you! Also I started work on the Jerecent lemon in teh Lemons x3 so yes hopefully this won't happen again you lovely peoples I really am sorry... Also yes the pic isn't NAGA Vincent but I'm running out of pictures that fit the chapters.

Scott PoV:

            Well, I'm happy to say that things have gone back to normal. No getting sick, or attacked, or lost. In fact the only reason either of us has left the cave is because of food being low. So yes, it's not exactly thrilling, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The sleeping naga beside me is more than enough to keep me happy. I trust him with my life, and I hope he trusts me just the same. "Scotty?" he asks, wrapping his arms around me. "Yes, Vinny?" His tail wraps around my waist. "We should go and grab some food today, both of us this time. After we wake up, of course." I nod, leaning into him a small bit. The weather has finally decided to clear up, and not be as shitty. So, why not enjoy it? I little walk could do us both some good. I sit back up, looking around for my jacket. "Here it is," Vince says, laying it in my lap. I thank him and get up, pulling it on. Then I stretch all my stiff muscles, before looking back to see Vincent sort of staring at me. "If you could go back," he said, seemingly out of nowhere, "If I had never found you in this forest, or I had let you go... would you have thought about anything before walking away?" Why would he be saying something like this? "V-Vincent... obviously if I had never met you, my life wouldn't have changed at all... If you had let me go, I think I just would've thought about why, because that was before I realized how nice you really are." 

            He nods slowly before getting up, slipping his vest on. "I-It was an odd question, I know, and it probably didn't make sense, but..." I just sigh. "It made sense, Vince; I'd want to know too." I hug him tightly, before going to pick up the now empty basket. "We can have something to eat when we've brought it home," I say, smiling. "Right," he says, attempting a smile. Does he really think I would leave him? Maybe at first it was a thought, but now... Now its just completely unthinkable. I love him, I would never leave him. "Ready?" I ask, standing at the cave's opening. "Yeah," he says, following behind me as we walk along the trail. I bend down to pick a few fruits, hoping he'll return to his normal self soon. But he doesn't even smile. Did I do something? God, I really hope I didn't. We continue down th path in silence, and he eventually ends up in front of me. I don't even notice he's stopped until I smack into him. "S-Sorr-" "Shh. You hear that?" He asks, interrupting. "No, Wh...." Then I do hear it; Voices, male voices, growing louder. "Oh no," he says, starting to push me backwards. "Scott, we need to go...Now." He's right; if they see him, they'll definitely try to hurt him... or worse. 

No One's PoV:

            Scott began to back away slowly, with Vincent following. The naga pricked his ears, catching some of the conversation the men were having; "Wait till we find it!" "Can't wait to have that menace killed." His eyes widened. "Scott, those men... they're after me." Scott shook his head. "They can't be... and if they are, then-!" "Then you'll go back to the cave, where it's safe." They turned around, starting back towards the cave. "You're crazy. I'm not letting them hurt you, I'm grabbing that sword, and I'm going to protect you, damn it..!" While Vincent tried to stop him, Scott ran off in the direction of the cave, returningquickly with the sword sheathed at his side. "Scott I'm not letting you do this!" Scott ignored those words, drawing his sword and standing in front of Vincent. "Scott!" Vincent tried to restrain him, but soon froze up. "There it is! Get it!!" Scott shook out of the naga's grasp, holding his ground. "Scott, forgive me...But I can't let you do this..!" Vincent wrapped Scott up in his tail, and began to drag him back to the cave. "He's going to kill that man! We need to save him!" The fact that Scott was struggling didn't help either. Vincent yelped softly as an arrow lodged itself into his tail. "Vincent, let me go, now!"   More arrows followed, a few narrowly missing Scott's head.

            When the two returned to the cave, Vincent almost threw Scott inside, causing him to hit his head and barely remain conscious. Vincent snarled, baring his teeth in an attempt to scare the group advancing on him. "Kill it!" one shouted. He was bombarded by arrows and a few throwing knives, which progressed to sword slashes as he was pushed back. "V-Vincent..." Scott groaned, dragging himself upright. "V...VINCENT!!" he charged at the group now swarming poor Vincent, who lay on the ground, bleeding and crying softly. He stabbed multiple men, who crumpled at his feet pale and cold, since he had stabbed veins or major organs. One all of them laid dead or groaning on the ground, Scott knelt beside Vincent. He looked terrible; his chest was torn up in countless places, all of which oozing blood. His whole body was riddled with arrows, and a few knives as well. "S-Scott-" "Just, just s-shush, okay? I'm g-going to f-fix you up, everything's g-going to be f-fine..!" Scott ent to look for the first-aid kit, but found the supplies were greatly diminished. "D-Damn it," he cursed, taking the small box back over to where Vincent was. 

Vincent PoV:

            Scott looked absolutely hysterical. He was crying, trying to reassure me as he began pulling arrows and knife blades from my body. I winced and groaned while he did this, my vision blurring slightly. "Now, l-let's clean up th-this mess on your ch-chest.... they d-did quite the n-number on you," Scott says, his voice shaking horribly. I nod softly, barely wanting to move as he cleans the wounds. "S-Scott... Thank you f-for saving me..." I get out, tasting blood in my mouth. I feel like passing out, honestly... "I w-was supposed to m-make sure this d-didn't happen, Vince..." I sigh , reaching out and grabbing his hand. "Yeah, and then we'd both be hurt. I'm highly grateful that you're fixing me up." He nods, sniffing and wiping his eyes. I smile softly, before I actually start to black out.........

Scott PoV:

            "V-Vincent...?! Vincent!!" I say, gently cupping his face. "No, no, wake up, Vince wake up!! W-We can fix you up Vincent! P-P-Please..." I start crying all over again. I figure that if I want him to be okay, I need to stop his bleeding. I apply pressure to his chest, where the cuts are the deepest. After that, I clean them upp, and use the last of the gauze on wrapping them gently. I sit back, hoping against hope he'll be oky. "V-Vincent...Wake up...I love you..." his chest heaves up and down very slow, and very shaky. "God, please be okay, Vincent...I've done everything I can..!" 


Have fun with the feels!!

Don't Go Into That Forest...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ