A/N: Update this Weekend!

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Okay so this weekend I will have time to write another chapter, which will more than likely be smut *wiggles eyebrows* and I've gotten better at writing it too. So yeah, something I look forward to, hopefully you do as well! Also, about he JereMike Book...? I may just do one book at a time, so I'd be finishing this first. Now that a certain hell has started, I hardly have time to update this book by itself. Sorry I am bad :/ but I've been reading a lot of one shots lately, maybe I could do some lemon one-shots? (I didn't really know how to say that :P) But I think that'd be better for now, until I get a bit more time on my hands. The first one will more than likely be Jerecent because it is my OTP and yeah... That's all I have to say, really. So the One-Shots will be done before JereMike. *fangirls scream at me* I'm sorreh ;-; it is delayed but it will happen, do not think it is no longer an idea! Anyways, hope you all are well, I shall chat with you this weekend! ~Vince 

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