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Well, I've done it, haven't I? I've abandoned this book again. It's a good thing Christmas break is coming up, hopefully a few chapters will be out by the end of it. To those who are being patient, thank you. Thank you so much for dealing with my unscheduled, unorganized shit. I've wanted to get on, but the chances of that happening were slim to none. Luckily, I'll have a lot of time during break, so I'll be able to concentrate more on this story. Also, the lemons...?  It's pretty up in the air for what the first one's going to be now. But the element of surprise is nice sometimes, and hey, the ships I brought up will, of course, end up being involved as well. Although, the ships are going to be boyxboy, because let's face it, there's quite a few of those ^_^ and they're fuking adorable. So, yeah, updates soon, and lemons as well ^_^ 

Thanks for being patient, loves~


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